{-# LANGUAGE CPP                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-- |
-- Functions which have different implementations on different platforms
module Numeric.SpecFunctions.Compat (
  , erfc
  , log1p
  , expm1
  ) where

#if !defined(USE_SYSTEM_ERF) || !defined(USE_SYSTEM_EXPM1)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U

#if !defined(USE_SYSTEM_ERF)
import Numeric.Polynomial.Chebyshev    (chebyshev)
import Numeric.Polynomial              (evaluateOddPolynomial)

#if !defined(USE_SYSTEM_EXPM1)
import Control.Applicative             (liftA2)
import Numeric.Polynomial.Chebyshev    (chebyshevBroucke)
import Numeric.Series                  (scanSequence,sumSeries,enumSequenceFrom)
import Numeric.MathFunctions.Constants

#if defined(USE_SYSTEM_EXPM1)
import GHC.Float (log1p,expm1)

-- erf & erfc
-- We provide pure haskell implementation for GHCJS and accessible on
-- GHC via flag

#if defined(USE_SYSTEM_ERF)

erf :: Double -> Double
erf :: Double -> Double
erf = Double -> Double
{-# INLINE erf #-}

erfc :: Double -> Double
erfc :: Double -> Double
erfc = Double -> Double
{-# INLINE erfc #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "erf"  c_erf  :: Double -> Double
foreign import ccall unsafe "erfc" c_erfc :: Double -> Double


erf :: Double -> Double
erf x
  -- Computing erf as 1-erfc loses precision near 0 so we switch to
  -- Taylor expansion here
  | abs x < 0.1 = 0.56418958354775629
                * evaluateOddPolynomial x erfTaylorSeries
  | x < 0       = (-1) + erfcCheb (-x)
  | otherwise   =   1  - erfcCheb x

erfTaylorSeries :: U.Vector Double
{-# NOINLINE erfTaylorSeries #-}
erfTaylorSeries = U.fromList
  [  2
  , -2/3
  ,  1/5
  , -1/21
  ,  1/108
  , -1/660
  ,  1/4680

erfc :: Double -> Double
erfc x | x < 0     = 2 - erfcCheb (-x)
       | otherwise = erfcCheb x

-- Adapted from Numerical Recipes §6.2.2
erfcCheb :: Double -> Double
erfcCheb z
  = t * exp( -z * z + chebyshev ty erfcCoef )
    -- We're using approximation:
    --   erfc(z) ≈ t·exp(-z² + P(t))
    --   t       = 2 / (2 + z)
    t  = 2 / (2 + z)
    ty = 2 * t - 1

erfcCoef :: U.Vector Double
{-# NOINLINE erfcCoef #-}
erfcCoef = U.fromList
  [ -0.6513268598908546   ,  6.4196979235649026e-1 ,  1.9476473204185836e-2
  , -9.561514786808631e-3 , -9.46595344482036e-4   ,  3.66839497852761e-4
  ,  4.2523324806907e-5   , -2.0278578112534e-5    , -1.624290004647e-6
  ,  1.303655835580e-6    ,  1.5626441722e-8       , -8.5238095915e-8
  ,  6.529054439e-9       ,  5.059343495e-9        , -9.91364156e-10
  , -2.27365122e-10       ,  9.6467911e-11         ,  2.394038e-12
  , -6.886027e-12         ,  8.94487e-13           ,  3.13092e-13
  , -1.12708e-13          ,  3.81e-16              ,  7.106e-15
  , -1.523e-15            , -9.4e-17               ,  1.21e-16
  , -2.8e-17


-- expm1 & log1p
-- We use one provided by base of for GHCJS use hand-coded one

#if !defined(USE_SYSTEM_EXPM1)

-- | Compute @exp x - 1@ without loss of accuracy for x near zero.
expm1 :: Double -> Double
-- NOTE: this is simplest implementation and not terribly efficient.
expm1 x
  | x < (-37.42994775023705) = -1
  | x > m_max_log            = m_pos_inf
  | abs x > 0.5              = exp x - 1
  | otherwise                = sumSeries $ liftA2 (*) (scanSequence (*) x (pure x))
                                                      (1 / scanSequence (*) 1 (enumSequenceFrom 2))
-- | Compute the natural logarithm of 1 + @x@.  This is accurate even
--   for values of @x@ near zero, where use of @log(1+x)@ would lose
--   precision.
log1p :: Double -> Double
log1p x
    | x == 0               = 0
    | x == -1              = m_neg_inf
    | x < -1               = m_NaN
    | x' < m_epsilon * 0.5 = x
    | (x >= 0 && x < 1e-8) || (x >= -1e-9 && x < 0)
                           = x * (1 - x * 0.5)
    | x' < 0.375           = x * (1 - x * chebyshevBroucke (x / 0.375) coeffs)
    | otherwise            = log (1 + x)
    x' = abs x
    coeffs = U.fromList [