{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}



{- |
 Module      :  OpenTelemetry.Resource.Host
 Copyright   :  (c) Ian Duncan, 2021
 License     :  BSD-3
 Description :  Information about the underlying general computing instance
 Maintainer  :  Ian Duncan
 Stability   :  experimental
 Portability :  non-portable (GHC extensions)
module OpenTelemetry.Resource.Host (
  Host (..),
) where

import Data.Text (Text)
import OpenTelemetry.Resource (ToResource (..), mkResource, (.=?))

-- | A host is defined as a general computing instance.
data Host = Host
  { Host -> Maybe Text
hostId :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ Unique host ID. For Cloud, this must be the instance_id assigned by the cloud provider.
  , Host -> Maybe Text
hostName :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ Name of the host. On Unix systems, it may contain what the hostname command returns, or the fully qualified hostname, or another name specified by the user.
  , Host -> Maybe Text
hostType :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ Type of host. For Cloud, this must be the machine type.
  , Host -> Maybe Text
hostArch :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ The CPU architecture the host system is running on.
  , Host -> Maybe Text
hostImageName :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ Name of the VM image or OS install the host was instantiated from.
  , Host -> Maybe Text
hostImageId :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ VM image ID. For Cloud, this value is from the provider.
  , Host -> Maybe Text
hostImageVersion :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ The version string of the VM image as defined in Version Attributes.

instance ToResource Host where
  type ResourceSchema Host = 'Nothing
  toResource :: Host -> Resource (ResourceSchema Host)
toResource Host {Maybe Text
hostId :: Host -> Maybe Text
hostName :: Host -> Maybe Text
hostType :: Host -> Maybe Text
hostArch :: Host -> Maybe Text
hostImageName :: Host -> Maybe Text
hostImageId :: Host -> Maybe Text
hostImageVersion :: Host -> Maybe Text
hostId :: Maybe Text
hostName :: Maybe Text
hostType :: Maybe Text
hostArch :: Maybe Text
hostImageName :: Maybe Text
hostImageId :: Maybe Text
hostImageVersion :: Maybe Text
..} =
    [Maybe (Text, Attribute)] -> Resource 'Nothing
forall (r :: Maybe Symbol). [Maybe (Text, Attribute)] -> Resource r
      [ Text
"host.id" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"host.name" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"host.type" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"host.arch" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"host.image.name" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"host.image.id" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"host.image.version" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text