{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}



{- |
 Module      :  OpenTelemetry.Resource.FaaS
 Copyright   :  (c) Ian Duncan, 2021
 License     :  BSD-3
 Description :  Resource information about a "function as a service" aka "serverless function" instance
 Maintainer  :  Ian Duncan
 Stability   :  experimental
 Portability :  non-portable (GHC extensions)
module OpenTelemetry.Resource.FaaS where

import Data.Text (Text)
import OpenTelemetry.Resource

-- | A "function as a service" aka "serverless function" instance.
data FaaS = FaaS
  { FaaS -> Text
faasName :: Text
  -- ^ The name of the single function that this runtime instance executes.
  --  This is the name of the function as configured/deployed on the FaaS platform and is usually different from the name of the callback function (which may be stored in the code.namespace/code.function span attributes).
  -- Examples: 'my-function'
  , FaaS -> Maybe Text
faasId :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ The unique ID of the single function that this runtime instance executes.
  -- Depending on the cloud provider, use:
  -- - AWS Lambda: The function ARN. Take care not to use the "invoked ARN" directly but replace any alias suffix with the resolved function version, as the same runtime instance may be invokable with multiple different aliases.
  -- - GCP: The URI of the resource
  -- - Azure: The Fully Qualified Resource ID.
  -- Examples: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function'
  , FaaS -> Maybe Text
faasVersion :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ The immutable version of the function being executed.
  -- Depending on the cloud provider and platform, use:
  -- - AWS Lambda: The function version (an integer represented as a decimal string).
  -- - Google Cloud Run: The revision (i.e., the function name plus the revision suffix).
  -- - Google Cloud Functions: The value of the K_REVISION environment variable.
  -- - Azure Functions: Not applicable. Do not set this attribute.
  -- Examples: '26', 'pinkfroid-00002'
  , FaaS -> Maybe Text
faasInstance :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ The execution environment ID as a string, that will be potentially reused for other invocations to the same function/function version.
  -- AWS Lambda: Use the (full) log stream name.
  -- Examples: '2021/06/28/[$LATEST]2f399eb14537447da05ab2a2e39309de'
  , FaaS -> Maybe Int
faasMaxMemory :: Maybe Int
  -- ^ The amount of memory available to the serverless function in MiB.
  -- It's recommended to set this attribute since e.g. too little memory can easily an AWS Lambda function from working correctly. On AWS Lambda, the environment variable AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE provides this information.
  -- Examples: '128'

instance ToResource FaaS where
  type ResourceSchema FaaS = 'Nothing
  toResource :: FaaS -> Resource (ResourceSchema FaaS)
toResource FaaS {Maybe Int
Maybe Text
faasName :: FaaS -> Text
faasId :: FaaS -> Maybe Text
faasVersion :: FaaS -> Maybe Text
faasInstance :: FaaS -> Maybe Text
faasMaxMemory :: FaaS -> Maybe Int
faasName :: Text
faasId :: Maybe Text
faasVersion :: Maybe Text
faasInstance :: Maybe Text
faasMaxMemory :: Maybe Int
..} =
    [Maybe (Text, Attribute)] -> Resource 'Nothing
forall (r :: Maybe Symbol). [Maybe (Text, Attribute)] -> Resource r
      [ Text
"faas.name" Text -> Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a. ToAttribute a => Text -> a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.= Text
      , Text
"faas.id" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"faas.version" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"faas.instance" Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Text
      , Text
"faas.max_memory" Text -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
forall a.
ToAttribute a =>
Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Text, Attribute)
.=? Maybe Int