{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- | @multipart/form-data@ Servant API support for servant.
--   see servant-multipart and servant-multipart-client for server- and client-
--   definitions.
--   This is mostly useful for adding file upload support to
--   an API. See haddocks of 'MultipartForm' for an introduction.
module Servant.Multipart.API
  ( MultipartForm
  , MultipartForm'
  , MultipartData(..)
  , ToMultipart(..)
  , FromMultipart(..)
  , MultipartResult
  , Tmp
  , Mem
  , Input(..)
  , FileData(..)
  ) where

import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable
import Servant.API

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS

-- | Combinator for specifying a @multipart/form-data@ request
--   body, typically (but not always) issued from an HTML @\<form\>@.
--   @multipart/form-data@ can't be made into an ordinary content
--   type for now in servant because it doesn't just decode the
--   request body from some format but also performs IO in the case
--   of writing the uploaded files to disk, e.g in @/tmp@, which is
--   not compatible with servant's vision of a content type as things
--   stand now. This also means that 'MultipartForm' can't be used in
--   conjunction with 'ReqBody' in an endpoint.
--   The 'tag' type parameter instructs the function to handle data
--   either as data to be saved to temporary storage ('Tmp') or saved to
--   memory ('Mem').
--   The 'a' type parameter represents the Haskell type to which
--   you are going to decode the multipart data to, where the
--   multipart data consists in all the usual form inputs along
--   with the files sent along through @\<input type="file"\>@
--   fields in the form.
--   One option provided out of the box by this library is to decode
--   to 'MultipartData'.
--   Example:
--   @
--   type API = MultipartForm Tmp (MultipartData Tmp) :> Post '[PlainText] String
--   api :: Proxy API
--   api = Proxy
--   server :: MultipartData Tmp -> Handler String
--   server multipartData = return str
--     where str = "The form was submitted with "
--              ++ show nInputs ++ " textual inputs and "
--              ++ show nFiles  ++ " files."
--           nInputs = length (inputs multipartData)
--           nFiles  = length (files multipartData)
--   @
--   You can alternatively provide a 'FromMultipart' instance
--   for some type of yours, allowing you to regroup data
--   into a structured form and potentially selecting
--   a subset of the entire form data that was submitted.
--   Example, where we only look extract one input, /username/,
--   and one file, where the corresponding input field's /name/
--   attribute was set to /pic/:
--   @
--   data User = User { username :: Text, pic :: FilePath }
--   instance FromMultipart Tmp User where
--     fromMultipart multipartData =
--       User \<$\> lookupInput "username" multipartData
--            \<*\> fmap fdPayload (lookupFile "pic" multipartData)
--   type API = MultipartForm Tmp User :> Post '[PlainText] String
--   server :: User -> Handler String
--   server usr = return str
--     where str = username usr ++ "'s profile picture"
--              ++ " got temporarily uploaded to "
--              ++ pic usr ++ " and will be removed from there "
--              ++ " after this handler has run."
--   @
--   Note that the behavior of this combinator is configurable,
--   by using 'serveWith' from servant-server instead of 'serve',
--   which takes an additional 'Context' argument. It simply is an
--   heterogeneous list where you can for example store
--   a value of type 'MultipartOptions' that has the configuration that
--   you want, which would then get picked up by servant-multipart.
--   __Important__: as mentionned in the example above,
--   the file paths point to temporary files which get removed
--   after your handler has run, if they are still there. It is
--   therefore recommended to move or copy them somewhere in your
--   handler code if you need to keep the content around.
type MultipartForm tag a = MultipartForm' '[] tag a

-- | 'MultipartForm' which can be modified with 'Servant.API.Modifiers.Lenient'.
data MultipartForm' (mods :: [*]) tag a

-- | What servant gets out of a @multipart/form-data@ form submission.
--   The type parameter 'tag' tells if 'MultipartData' is stored as a
--   temporary file or stored in memory. 'tag' is type of either 'Mem'
--   or 'Tmp'.
--   The 'inputs' field contains a list of textual 'Input's, where
--   each input for which a value is provided gets to be in this list,
--   represented by the input name and the input value. See haddocks for
--   'Input'.
--   The 'files' field contains a list of files that were sent along with the
--   other inputs in the form. Each file is represented by a value of type
--   'FileData' which among other things contains the path to the temporary file
--   (to be removed when your handler is done running) with a given uploaded
--   file's content. See haddocks for 'FileData'.
data MultipartData tag = MultipartData
  { forall tag. MultipartData tag -> [Input]
inputs :: [Input]
  , forall tag. MultipartData tag -> [FileData tag]
files  :: [FileData tag]

-- | Representation for an uploaded file, usually resulting from
--   picking a local file for an HTML input that looks like
--   @\<input type="file" name="somefile" /\>@.
data FileData tag = FileData
  { forall tag. FileData tag -> Text
fdInputName :: Text     -- ^ @name@ attribute of the corresponding
                            --   HTML @\<input\>@
  , forall tag. FileData tag -> Text
fdFileName  :: Text     -- ^ name of the file on the client's disk
  , forall tag. FileData tag -> Text
fdFileCType :: Text     -- ^ MIME type for the file
  , forall tag. FileData tag -> MultipartResult tag
fdPayload   :: MultipartResult tag
                            -- ^ path to the temporary file that has the
                            --   content of the user's original file. Only
                            --   valid during the execution of your handler as
                            --   it gets removed right after, which means you
                            --   really want to move or copy it in your handler.

deriving instance Eq (MultipartResult tag) => Eq (FileData tag)
deriving instance Show (MultipartResult tag) => Show (FileData tag)

-- | Representation for a textual input (any @\<input\>@ type but @file@).
--   @\<input name="foo" value="bar"\ />@ would appear as @'Input' "foo" "bar"@.
data Input = Input
  { Input -> Text
iName  :: Text -- ^ @name@ attribute of the input
  , Input -> Text
iValue :: Text -- ^ value given for that input
  } deriving (Input -> Input -> Bool
(Input -> Input -> Bool) -> (Input -> Input -> Bool) -> Eq Input
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: Input -> Input -> Bool
== :: Input -> Input -> Bool
$c/= :: Input -> Input -> Bool
/= :: Input -> Input -> Bool
Eq, Int -> Input -> ShowS
[Input] -> ShowS
Input -> String
(Int -> Input -> ShowS)
-> (Input -> String) -> ([Input] -> ShowS) -> Show Input
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Input -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> Input -> ShowS
$cshow :: Input -> String
show :: Input -> String
$cshowList :: [Input] -> ShowS
showList :: [Input] -> ShowS

-- | 'MultipartData' is the type representing
--   @multipart/form-data@ form inputs. Sometimes
--   you may instead want to work with a more structured type
--   of yours that potentially selects only a fraction of
--   the data that was submitted, or just reshapes it to make
--   it easier to work with. The 'FromMultipart' class is exactly
--   what allows you to tell servant how to turn "raw" multipart
--   data into a value of your nicer type.
--   @
--   data User = User { username :: Text, pic :: FilePath }
--   instance FromMultipart Tmp User where
--     fromMultipart form =
--       User \<$\> lookupInput "username" (inputs form)
--            \<*\> fmap fdPayload (lookupFile "pic" $ files form)
--   @
class FromMultipart tag a where
  -- | Given a value of type 'MultipartData', which consists
  --   in a list of textual inputs and another list for
  --   files, try to extract a value of type @a@. When
  --   extraction fails, servant errors out with status code 400.
  fromMultipart :: MultipartData tag -> Either String a

instance FromMultipart tag (MultipartData tag) where
  fromMultipart :: MultipartData tag -> Either String (MultipartData tag)
fromMultipart = MultipartData tag -> Either String (MultipartData tag)
forall a b. b -> Either a b

-- | Allows you to tell servant how to turn a more structured type
--   into a 'MultipartData', which is what is actually sent by the
--   client.
--   @
--   data User = User { username :: Text, pic :: FilePath }
--   instance toMultipart Tmp User where
--       toMultipart user = MultipartData [Input "username" $ username user]
--                                        [FileData "pic"
--                                                  (pic user)
--                                                  "image/png"
--                                                  (pic user)
--                                        ]
--   @
class ToMultipart tag a where
  -- | Given a value of type 'a', convert it to a
  -- 'MultipartData'.
  toMultipart :: a -> MultipartData tag

instance ToMultipart tag (MultipartData tag) where
  toMultipart :: MultipartData tag -> MultipartData tag
toMultipart = MultipartData tag -> MultipartData tag
forall a. a -> a

-- | Tag for data stored as a temporary file
data Tmp

-- | Tag for data stored in memory
data Mem

type family MultipartResult tag :: *
type instance MultipartResult Tmp = FilePath
type instance MultipartResult Mem = LBS.ByteString

instance HasLink sub => HasLink (MultipartForm tag a :> sub) where
#if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,14,0)
  type MkLink (MultipartForm tag a :> sub) r = MkLink sub r
  toLink :: forall a.
(Link -> a)
-> Proxy (MultipartForm tag a :> sub)
-> Link
-> MkLink (MultipartForm tag a :> sub) a
toLink Link -> a
toA Proxy (MultipartForm tag a :> sub)
_ = (Link -> a) -> Proxy sub -> Link -> MkLink sub a
forall a. (Link -> a) -> Proxy sub -> Link -> MkLink sub a
forall {k} (endpoint :: k) a.
HasLink endpoint =>
(Link -> a) -> Proxy endpoint -> Link -> MkLink endpoint a
toLink Link -> a
toA (Proxy sub
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy sub)
  type MkLink (MultipartForm tag a :> sub) = MkLink sub
  toLink _ = toLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)