-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
-- Copyright (C) 2022 Wire Swiss GmbH <opensource@wire.com>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
-- later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
-- details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module Galley.API.MLS.SubConversation
  ( getSubConversation,

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Id
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Qualified
import Data.Time.Clock
import Galley.API.MLS
import Galley.API.MLS.Conversation
import Galley.API.MLS.GroupInfo
import Galley.API.MLS.Removal
import Galley.API.MLS.Types
import Galley.API.MLS.Util
import Galley.API.Util
import Galley.App (Env)
import Galley.Data.Conversation qualified as Data
import Galley.Data.Conversation.Types
import Galley.Effects
import Galley.Effects.FederatorAccess
import Galley.Effects.MemberStore qualified as Eff
import Galley.Effects.SubConversationStore qualified as Eff
import Imports
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Error
import Polysemy.Input
import Polysemy.Resource
import Polysemy.TinyLog
import Wire.API.Conversation hiding (Member)
import Wire.API.Conversation.Protocol
import Wire.API.Error
import Wire.API.Error.Galley
import Wire.API.Federation.API
import Wire.API.Federation.API.Galley
import Wire.API.Federation.Error
import Wire.API.MLS.Credential
import Wire.API.MLS.Group.Serialisation
import Wire.API.MLS.GroupInfo
import Wire.API.MLS.SubConversation
import Wire.NotificationSubsystem

type MLSGetSubConvStaticErrors =
  '[ ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
     ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
     ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType

getSubConversation ::
  ( Members
      '[ SubConversationStore,
         ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
         ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
         ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType,
         Error FederationError,
  ) =>
  Local UserId ->
  Qualified ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  Sem r PublicSubConversation
getSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[SubConversationStore, ConversationStore, ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
    ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied, ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType,
    Error FederationError, FederatorAccess]
  r =>
Local UserId
-> Qualified ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
getSubConversation Local UserId
lusr Qualified ConvId
qconv SubConvId
sconv = do
  Local UserId
-> (Local ConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation)
-> (Remote ConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation)
-> Qualified ConvId
-> Sem r PublicSubConversation
forall x a b.
Local x -> (Local a -> b) -> (Remote a -> b) -> Qualified a -> b
    Local UserId
    (\Local ConvId
lcnv -> Qualified UserId
-> Local ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[SubConversationStore, ConversationStore, ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
    ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied, ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType]
  r =>
Qualified UserId
-> Local ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
getLocalSubConversation (Local UserId -> Qualified UserId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> Qualified a
tUntagged Local UserId
lusr) Local ConvId
lcnv SubConvId
    (\Remote ConvId
rcnv -> Local UserId
-> Remote ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
forall (r :: EffectRow).
   '[ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
     ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType, FederatorAccess]
   '[ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
     ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType]
   r) =>
Local UserId
-> Remote ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
getRemoteSubConversation Local UserId
lusr Remote ConvId
rcnv SubConvId
    Qualified ConvId

getLocalSubConversation ::
  ( Members
      '[ SubConversationStore,
         ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
         ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
         ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType
  ) =>
  Qualified UserId ->
  Local ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  Sem r PublicSubConversation
getLocalSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[SubConversationStore, ConversationStore, ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
    ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied, ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType]
  r =>
Qualified UserId
-> Local ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
getLocalSubConversation Qualified UserId
qusr Local ConvId
lconv SubConvId
sconv = do
c <- Qualified UserId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r Conversation
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member ConversationStore r, Member (ErrorS 'ConvNotFound) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied) r) =>
Qualified UserId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r Conversation
getConversationAndCheckMembership Qualified UserId
qusr Local ConvId

  Bool -> Sem r () -> Sem r ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (Conversation -> ConvType
Data.convType Conversation
c ConvType -> ConvType -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== ConvType
RegularConv Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Conversation -> ConvType
Data.convType Conversation
c ConvType -> ConvType -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== ConvType
One2OneConv) (Sem r () -> Sem r ()) -> Sem r () -> Sem r ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Sem r a
throwS @'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType

  Maybe SubConversation
msub <- ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r (Maybe SubConversation)
forall (r :: EffectRow).
Member SubConversationStore r =>
ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r (Maybe SubConversation)
Eff.getSubConversation (Local ConvId -> ConvId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Local ConvId
lconv) SubConvId
sub <- case Maybe SubConversation
msub of
    Maybe SubConversation
Nothing -> do
_mlsMeta, MLSMigrationState
mlsProtocol) <- forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
noteS @'ConvNotFound (Conversation -> Maybe (ConversationMLSData, MLSMigrationState)
mlsMetadata Conversation

      case MLSMigrationState
mlsProtocol of
MLSMigrationMixed -> forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Sem r a
throwS @'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType
MLSMigrationMLS -> () -> Sem r ()
forall a. a -> Sem r a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

      -- deriving this deterministically to prevent race conditions with
      -- multiple threads creating the subconversation
      SubConversation -> Sem r SubConversation
forall a. a -> Sem r a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Local ConvId -> SubConvId -> SubConversation
newSubConversationFromParent Local ConvId
lconv SubConvId
    Just SubConversation
sub -> SubConversation -> Sem r SubConversation
forall a. a -> Sem r a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure SubConversation
  PublicSubConversation -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
forall a. a -> Sem r a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Qualified SubConversation -> PublicSubConversation
toPublicSubConv (QualifiedWithTag 'QLocal SubConversation
-> Qualified SubConversation
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> Qualified a
tUntagged (Local ConvId
-> SubConversation -> QualifiedWithTag 'QLocal SubConversation
forall (t :: QTag) x a.
QualifiedWithTag t x -> a -> QualifiedWithTag t a
qualifyAs Local ConvId
lconv SubConversation

getRemoteSubConversation ::
  forall r.
  ( Members
      '[ ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
         ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
         ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType,
    RethrowErrors MLSGetSubConvStaticErrors r
  ) =>
  Local UserId ->
  Remote ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  Sem r PublicSubConversation
getRemoteSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
   '[ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
     ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType, FederatorAccess]
   '[ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
     ErrorS 'MLSSubConvUnsupportedConvType]
   r) =>
Local UserId
-> Remote ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
getRemoteSubConversation Local UserId
lusr Remote ConvId
rcnv SubConvId
sconv = do
res <- Remote ConvId
-> FederatorClient 'Galley GetSubConversationsResponse
-> Sem r GetSubConversationsResponse
forall (r :: EffectRow) (c :: Component) x a.
(Member FederatorAccess r, KnownComponent c) =>
Remote x -> FederatorClient c a -> Sem r a
runFederated Remote ConvId
rcnv (FederatorClient 'Galley GetSubConversationsResponse
 -> Sem r GetSubConversationsResponse)
-> FederatorClient 'Galley GetSubConversationsResponse
-> Sem r GetSubConversationsResponse
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    forall {k} (comp :: Component) (name :: k)
       (fedM :: Component -> * -> *) (showcomp :: Symbol) api x.
(AddAnnotation 'Remote showcomp (FedPath name) x,
 showcomp ~ ShowComponent comp, HasFedEndpoint comp api name,
 HasClient (fedM comp) api, KnownComponent comp, IsNamed name,
 FederationMonad fedM, Typeable (Client (fedM comp) api)) =>
Client (fedM comp) api
forall (comp :: Component) (name :: Symbol)
       (fedM :: Component -> * -> *) (showcomp :: Symbol) api x.
(AddAnnotation 'Remote showcomp (FedPath name) x,
 showcomp ~ ShowComponent comp, HasFedEndpoint comp api name,
 HasClient (fedM comp) api, KnownComponent comp, IsNamed name,
 FederationMonad fedM, Typeable (Client (fedM comp) api)) =>
Client (fedM comp) api
fedClient @'Galley @"get-sub-conversation" (GetSubConversationsRequest
 -> FederatorClient 'Galley GetSubConversationsResponse)
-> GetSubConversationsRequest
-> FederatorClient 'Galley GetSubConversationsResponse
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        { $sel:gsreqUser:GetSubConversationsRequest :: UserId
gsreqUser = Local UserId -> UserId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Local UserId
          $sel:gsreqConv:GetSubConversationsRequest :: ConvId
gsreqConv = Remote ConvId -> ConvId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Remote ConvId
          $sel:gsreqSubConv:GetSubConversationsRequest :: SubConvId
gsreqSubConv = SubConvId
  case GetSubConversationsResponse
res of
    GetSubConversationsResponseError GalleyError
e ->
      forall (effs :: EffectRow) (r :: EffectRow) a.
RethrowErrors effs r =>
GalleyError -> Sem r a
rethrowErrors @MLSGetSubConvStaticErrors @r GalleyError
    GetSubConversationsResponseSuccess PublicSubConversation
subconv ->
      PublicSubConversation -> Sem r PublicSubConversation
forall a. a -> Sem r a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure PublicSubConversation

getSubConversationGroupInfo ::
  ( Members
      '[ ConversationStore,
         Error FederationError,
         Input Env,
    Members MLSGroupInfoStaticErrors r
  ) =>
  Local UserId ->
  Qualified ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  Sem r GroupInfoData
getSubConversationGroupInfo :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
   '[ConversationStore, Error FederationError, FederatorAccess,
     Input Env, MemberStore, SubConversationStore]
 Members MLSGroupInfoStaticErrors r) =>
Local UserId
-> Qualified ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData
getSubConversationGroupInfo Local UserId
lusr Qualified ConvId
qcnvId SubConvId
subconv = do
  Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member (Input Env) r, Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r) =>
Sem r ()
  Local UserId
-> (Local ConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData)
-> (Remote ConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData)
-> Qualified ConvId
-> Sem r GroupInfoData
forall x a b.
Local x -> (Local a -> b) -> (Remote a -> b) -> Qualified a -> b
    Local UserId
    (Qualified UserId
-> SubConvId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Members '[ConversationStore, SubConversationStore, MemberStore] r,
 Members MLSGroupInfoStaticErrors r) =>
Qualified UserId
-> SubConvId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData
getSubConversationGroupInfoFromLocalConv (Local UserId -> Qualified UserId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> Qualified a
tUntagged Local UserId
lusr) SubConvId
    (Local UserId -> Remote ConvOrSubConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member (Error FederationError) r, Member FederatorAccess r,
 Members MLSGroupInfoStaticErrors r) =>
Local UserId -> Remote ConvOrSubConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData
getGroupInfoFromRemoteConv Local UserId
lusr (Remote ConvOrSubConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData)
-> (Remote ConvId -> Remote ConvOrSubConvId)
-> Remote ConvId
-> Sem r GroupInfoData
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (ConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId)
-> Remote ConvId -> Remote ConvOrSubConvId
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> QualifiedWithTag 'QRemote a -> QualifiedWithTag 'QRemote b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((ConvId -> SubConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId)
-> SubConvId -> ConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip ConvId -> SubConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId
forall c s. c -> s -> ConvOrSubChoice c s
SubConv SubConvId
    Qualified ConvId

getSubConversationGroupInfoFromLocalConv ::
  ( Members
      '[ ConversationStore,
  ) =>
  (Members MLSGroupInfoStaticErrors r) =>
  Qualified UserId ->
  SubConvId ->
  Local ConvId ->
  Sem r GroupInfoData
getSubConversationGroupInfoFromLocalConv :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Members '[ConversationStore, SubConversationStore, MemberStore] r,
 Members MLSGroupInfoStaticErrors r) =>
Qualified UserId
-> SubConvId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r GroupInfoData
getSubConversationGroupInfoFromLocalConv Qualified UserId
qusr SubConvId
subConvId Local ConvId
lcnvId = do
  Sem r Conversation -> Sem r ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (Sem r Conversation -> Sem r ()) -> Sem r Conversation -> Sem r ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Qualified UserId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r Conversation
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member (ErrorS 'ConvNotFound) r, Member ConversationStore r,
 Member MemberStore r) =>
Qualified UserId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r Conversation
getLocalConvForUser Qualified UserId
qusr Local ConvId
  ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r (Maybe GroupInfoData)
forall (r :: EffectRow).
Member SubConversationStore r =>
ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r (Maybe GroupInfoData)
Eff.getSubConversationGroupInfo (Local ConvId -> ConvId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Local ConvId
lcnvId) SubConvId
    Sem r (Maybe GroupInfoData)
-> (Maybe GroupInfoData -> Sem r GroupInfoData)
-> Sem r GroupInfoData
forall a b. Sem r a -> (a -> Sem r b) -> Sem r b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
noteS @'MLSMissingGroupInfo

type MLSDeleteSubConvStaticErrors =
  '[ ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
     ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
     ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled,
     ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage

deleteSubConversation ::
  ( Members
      '[ ConversationStore,
         ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
         ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
         ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled,
         ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage,
         Error FederationError,
         Input Env,
  ) =>
  Local UserId ->
  Qualified ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  DeleteSubConversationRequest ->
  Sem r ()
deleteSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[ConversationStore, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
    ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled,
    ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage, Error FederationError, FederatorAccess,
    Input Env, MemberStore, Resource, SubConversationStore]
  r =>
Local UserId
-> Qualified ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
deleteSubConversation Local UserId
lusr Qualified ConvId
qconv SubConvId
sconv DeleteSubConversationRequest
dsc =
  Local UserId
-> (Local ConvId -> Sem r ())
-> (Remote ConvId -> Sem r ())
-> Qualified ConvId
-> Sem r ()
forall x a b.
Local x -> (Local a -> b) -> (Remote a -> b) -> Qualified a -> b
    Local UserId
    (\Local ConvId
lcnv -> Qualified UserId
-> Local ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[ConversationStore, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
    ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled,
    ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage, FederatorAccess, Input Env, MemberStore,
    Resource, SubConversationStore]
  r =>
Qualified UserId
-> Local ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
deleteLocalSubConversation (Local UserId -> Qualified UserId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> Qualified a
tUntagged Local UserId
lusr) Local ConvId
lcnv SubConvId
sconv DeleteSubConversationRequest
    (\Remote ConvId
rcnv -> Local UserId
-> Remote ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied, ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
    ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled, ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage,
    Error FederationError, FederatorAccess, Input Env]
  r =>
Local UserId
-> Remote ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
deleteRemoteSubConversation Local UserId
lusr Remote ConvId
rcnv SubConvId
sconv DeleteSubConversationRequest
    Qualified ConvId

deleteLocalSubConversation ::
  ( Members
      '[ ConversationStore,
         ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
         ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
         ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled,
         ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage,
         Input Env,
  ) =>
  Qualified UserId ->
  Local ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  DeleteSubConversationRequest ->
  Sem r ()
deleteLocalSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[ConversationStore, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
    ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled,
    ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage, FederatorAccess, Input Env, MemberStore,
    Resource, SubConversationStore]
  r =>
Qualified UserId
-> Local ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
deleteLocalSubConversation Qualified UserId
qusr Local ConvId
lcnvId SubConvId
scnvId DeleteSubConversationRequest
dsc = do
  Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member (Input Env) r, Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r) =>
Sem r ()
  let cnvId :: ConvId
cnvId = Local ConvId -> ConvId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Local ConvId
      lConvOrSubId :: QualifiedWithTag 'QLocal ConvOrSubConvId
lConvOrSubId = Local ConvId
-> ConvOrSubConvId -> QualifiedWithTag 'QLocal ConvOrSubConvId
forall (t :: QTag) x a.
QualifiedWithTag t x -> a -> QualifiedWithTag t a
qualifyAs Local ConvId
lcnvId (ConvId -> SubConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId
forall c s. c -> s -> ConvOrSubChoice c s
SubConv ConvId
cnvId SubConvId
cnv <- Qualified UserId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r Conversation
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member ConversationStore r, Member (ErrorS 'ConvNotFound) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied) r) =>
Qualified UserId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r Conversation
getConversationAndCheckMembership Qualified UserId
qusr Local ConvId

  QualifiedWithTag 'QLocal ConvOrSubConvId
-> GroupId -> Epoch -> Sem r () -> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow) a.
  '[Resource, ConversationStore, ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage,
  r =>
QualifiedWithTag 'QLocal ConvOrSubConvId
-> GroupId -> Epoch -> Sem r a -> Sem r a
withCommitLock QualifiedWithTag 'QLocal ConvOrSubConvId
lConvOrSubId (DeleteSubConversationRequest -> GroupId
dscGroupId DeleteSubConversationRequest
dsc) (DeleteSubConversationRequest -> Epoch
dscEpoch DeleteSubConversationRequest
dsc) (Sem r () -> Sem r ()) -> Sem r () -> Sem r ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
sconv <-
      ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r (Maybe SubConversation)
forall (r :: EffectRow).
Member SubConversationStore r =>
ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r (Maybe SubConversation)
Eff.getSubConversation ConvId
cnvId SubConvId
        Sem r (Maybe SubConversation)
-> (Maybe SubConversation -> Sem r SubConversation)
-> Sem r SubConversation
forall a b. Sem r a -> (a -> Sem r b) -> Sem r b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
noteS @'ConvNotFound
    let (GroupId
gid, Epoch
epoch) = (ConversationMLSData -> GroupId
cnvmlsGroupId (ConversationMLSData -> GroupId)
-> (ConversationMLSData -> Epoch)
-> ConversationMLSData
-> (GroupId, Epoch)
forall b c c'. (b -> c) -> (b -> c') -> b -> (c, c')
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
&&& ConversationMLSData -> Epoch
cnvmlsEpoch) (SubConversation -> ConversationMLSData
scMLSData SubConversation
    Bool -> Sem r () -> Sem r ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (DeleteSubConversationRequest -> GroupId
dscGroupId DeleteSubConversationRequest
dsc GroupId -> GroupId -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== GroupId
gid) (Sem r () -> Sem r ()) -> Sem r () -> Sem r ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Sem r a
throwS @'ConvNotFound
    Bool -> Sem r () -> Sem r ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (DeleteSubConversationRequest -> Epoch
dscEpoch DeleteSubConversationRequest
dsc Epoch -> Epoch -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Epoch
epoch) (Sem r () -> Sem r ()) -> Sem r () -> Sem r ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Sem r a
throwS @'MLSStaleMessage
    GroupId -> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
Member MemberStore r =>
GroupId -> Sem r ()
Eff.removeAllMLSClients GroupId

    -- swallowing the error and starting with GroupIdGen 0 if nextGenGroupId
    let newGid :: GroupId
newGid =
          GroupId -> Either String GroupId -> GroupId
forall b a. b -> Either a b -> b
            ( GroupIdParts -> GroupId
convToGroupId (GroupIdParts -> GroupId) -> GroupIdParts -> GroupId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                ConvType -> Qualified ConvOrSubConvId -> GroupIdParts
                  (Conversation -> ConvType
Data.convType Conversation
                  ((ConvId -> SubConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId)
-> SubConvId -> ConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip ConvId -> SubConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId
forall c s. c -> s -> ConvOrSubChoice c s
SubConv SubConvId
scnvId (ConvId -> ConvOrSubConvId)
-> Qualified ConvId -> Qualified ConvOrSubConvId
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Local ConvId -> Qualified ConvId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> Qualified a
tUntagged Local ConvId
            (Either String GroupId -> GroupId)
-> Either String GroupId -> GroupId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GroupId -> Either String GroupId
nextGenGroupId GroupId

    -- the following overwrites any prior information about the subconversation
    Sem r SubConversation -> Sem r ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (Sem r SubConversation -> Sem r ())
-> Sem r SubConversation -> Sem r ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConvId -> SubConvId -> GroupId -> Sem r SubConversation
forall (r :: EffectRow).
Member SubConversationStore r =>
ConvId -> SubConvId -> GroupId -> Sem r SubConversation
Eff.createSubConversation ConvId
cnvId SubConvId
scnvId GroupId

deleteRemoteSubConversation ::
  ( Members
      '[ ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
         ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
         ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled,
         ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage,
         Error FederationError,
         Input Env
  ) =>
  Local UserId ->
  Remote ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  DeleteSubConversationRequest ->
  Sem r ()
deleteRemoteSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied, ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
    ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled, ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage,
    Error FederationError, FederatorAccess, Input Env]
  r =>
Local UserId
-> Remote ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
deleteRemoteSubConversation Local UserId
lusr Remote ConvId
rcnvId SubConvId
scnvId DeleteSubConversationRequest
dsc = do
  Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member (Input Env) r, Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r) =>
Sem r ()
  let deleteRequest :: DeleteSubConversationFedRequest
deleteRequest =
          { $sel:dscreqUser:DeleteSubConversationFedRequest :: UserId
dscreqUser = Local UserId -> UserId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Local UserId
            $sel:dscreqConv:DeleteSubConversationFedRequest :: ConvId
dscreqConv = Remote ConvId -> ConvId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Remote ConvId
            $sel:dscreqSubConv:DeleteSubConversationFedRequest :: SubConvId
dscreqSubConv = SubConvId
            $sel:dscreqGroupId:DeleteSubConversationFedRequest :: GroupId
dscreqGroupId = DeleteSubConversationRequest -> GroupId
dscGroupId DeleteSubConversationRequest
            $sel:dscreqEpoch:DeleteSubConversationFedRequest :: Epoch
dscreqEpoch = DeleteSubConversationRequest -> Epoch
dscEpoch DeleteSubConversationRequest
response <-
    Remote ConvId
-> FederatorClient 'Galley DeleteSubConversationResponse
-> Sem r DeleteSubConversationResponse
forall (r :: EffectRow) (c :: Component) x a.
(Member FederatorAccess r, KnownComponent c) =>
Remote x -> FederatorClient c a -> Sem r a
      Remote ConvId
      (forall {k} (comp :: Component) (name :: k)
       (fedM :: Component -> * -> *) (showcomp :: Symbol) api x.
(AddAnnotation 'Remote showcomp (FedPath name) x,
 showcomp ~ ShowComponent comp, HasFedEndpoint comp api name,
 HasClient (fedM comp) api, KnownComponent comp, IsNamed name,
 FederationMonad fedM, Typeable (Client (fedM comp) api)) =>
Client (fedM comp) api
forall (comp :: Component) (name :: Symbol)
       (fedM :: Component -> * -> *) (showcomp :: Symbol) api x.
(AddAnnotation 'Remote showcomp (FedPath name) x,
 showcomp ~ ShowComponent comp, HasFedEndpoint comp api name,
 HasClient (fedM comp) api, KnownComponent comp, IsNamed name,
 FederationMonad fedM, Typeable (Client (fedM comp) api)) =>
Client (fedM comp) api
fedClient @'Galley @"delete-sub-conversation" DeleteSubConversationFedRequest
  case DeleteSubConversationResponse
response of
    DeleteSubConversationResponseError GalleyError
e -> forall (effs :: EffectRow) (r :: EffectRow) a.
RethrowErrors effs r =>
GalleyError -> Sem r a
rethrowErrors @MLSDeleteSubConvStaticErrors GalleyError
DeleteSubConversationResponseSuccess -> () -> Sem r ()
forall a. a -> Sem r a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

type HasLeaveSubConversationEffects r =
  ( Members
      '[ BackendNotificationQueueAccess,
         Input Env,
         Input UTCTime,

type LeaveSubConversationStaticErrors =
  '[ ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
     ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
     ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage,
     ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled

leaveSubConversation ::
  ( HasLeaveSubConversationEffects r,
    Member (Error MLSProtocolError) r,
    Member (Error FederationError) r,
    Member (ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage) r,
    Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r,
    Member Resource r,
    Members LeaveSubConversationStaticErrors r
  ) =>
  Local UserId ->
  ClientId ->
  Qualified ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  Sem r ()
leaveSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
(HasLeaveSubConversationEffects r,
 Member (Error MLSProtocolError) r,
 Member (Error FederationError) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r, Member Resource r,
 Members LeaveSubConversationStaticErrors r) =>
Local UserId
-> ClientId -> Qualified ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ()
leaveSubConversation Local UserId
lusr ClientId
cli Qualified ConvId
qcnv SubConvId
sub =
  Local UserId
-> (Local ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ())
-> (Remote ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ())
-> Qualified ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> Sem r ()
forall x a b.
Local x -> (Local a -> b) -> (Remote a -> b) -> Qualified a -> b
    Local UserId
    (ClientIdentity -> Local ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(HasLeaveSubConversationEffects r,
 Member (Error MLSProtocolError) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r, Member (Error FederationError) r,
 Member Resource r, Members LeaveSubConversationStaticErrors r) =>
ClientIdentity -> Local ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ()
leaveLocalSubConversation ClientIdentity
    (ClientIdentity -> Remote ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
    Error FederationError, Error MLSProtocolError, FederatorAccess]
  r =>
ClientIdentity -> Remote ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ()
leaveRemoteSubConversation ClientIdentity
    Qualified ConvId
    cid :: ClientIdentity
cid = Qualified UserId -> ClientId -> ClientIdentity
mkClientIdentity (Local UserId -> Qualified UserId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> Qualified a
tUntagged Local UserId
lusr) ClientId

leaveLocalSubConversation ::
  ( HasLeaveSubConversationEffects r,
    Member (Error MLSProtocolError) r,
    Member (ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage) r,
    Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r,
    Member (Error FederationError) r,
    Member Resource r,
    Members LeaveSubConversationStaticErrors r
  ) =>
  ClientIdentity ->
  Local ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  Sem r ()
leaveLocalSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
(HasLeaveSubConversationEffects r,
 Member (Error MLSProtocolError) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r, Member (Error FederationError) r,
 Member Resource r, Members LeaveSubConversationStaticErrors r) =>
ClientIdentity -> Local ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ()
leaveLocalSubConversation ClientIdentity
cid Local ConvId
lcnv SubConvId
sub = do
  Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member (Input Env) r, Member (ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled) r) =>
Sem r ()
cnv <- Qualified UserId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r Conversation
forall (r :: EffectRow).
(Member ConversationStore r, Member (ErrorS 'ConvNotFound) r,
 Member (ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied) r) =>
Qualified UserId -> Local ConvId -> Sem r Conversation
getConversationAndCheckMembership (ClientIdentity -> Qualified UserId
cidQualifiedUser ClientIdentity
cid) Local ConvId
mlsConv <- forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
noteS @'ConvNotFound (Maybe MLSConversation -> Sem r MLSConversation)
-> Sem r (Maybe MLSConversation) -> Sem r MLSConversation
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
=<< Conversation -> Sem r (Maybe MLSConversation)
forall (r :: EffectRow).
Member MemberStore r =>
Conversation -> Sem r (Maybe MLSConversation)
mkMLSConversation Conversation
subConv <-
    forall {k} (e :: k) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
forall (e :: GalleyError) (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (ErrorS e) r =>
Maybe a -> Sem r a
noteS @'ConvNotFound
      (Maybe SubConversation -> Sem r SubConversation)
-> Sem r (Maybe SubConversation) -> Sem r SubConversation
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
=<< ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r (Maybe SubConversation)
forall (r :: EffectRow).
Member SubConversationStore r =>
ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r (Maybe SubConversation)
Eff.getSubConversation (Local ConvId -> ConvId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Local ConvId
lcnv) SubConvId
idx <-
    MLSProtocolError -> Maybe LeafIndex -> Sem r LeafIndex
forall e (r :: EffectRow) a.
Member (Error e) r =>
e -> Maybe a -> Sem r a
note (Text -> MLSProtocolError
mlsProtocolError Text
"Client is not a member of the subconversation") (Maybe LeafIndex -> Sem r LeafIndex)
-> Maybe LeafIndex -> Sem r LeafIndex
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      ClientIdentity -> ClientMap -> Maybe LeafIndex
cmLookupIndex ClientIdentity
cid (SubConversation -> ClientMap
scMembers SubConversation
  let (GroupId
gid, Epoch
epoch) = (ConversationMLSData -> GroupId
cnvmlsGroupId (ConversationMLSData -> GroupId)
-> (ConversationMLSData -> Epoch)
-> ConversationMLSData
-> (GroupId, Epoch)
forall b c c'. (b -> c) -> (b -> c') -> b -> (c, c')
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
&&& ConversationMLSData -> Epoch
cnvmlsEpoch) (SubConversation -> ConversationMLSData
scMLSData SubConversation
  -- plan to remove the leaver from the member list
  GroupId -> Identity ClientIdentity -> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow) (f :: * -> *).
(Member MemberStore r, Foldable f) =>
GroupId -> f ClientIdentity -> Sem r ()
Eff.planClientRemoval GroupId
gid (ClientIdentity -> Identity ClientIdentity
forall a. a -> Identity a
Identity ClientIdentity
  let cm :: ClientMap
cm = ClientIdentity -> ClientMap -> ClientMap
cmRemoveClient ClientIdentity
cid (SubConversation -> ClientMap
scMembers SubConversation
  if ClientMap -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null ClientMap
    then do
      Qualified UserId
-> Local ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[ConversationStore, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
    ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'MLSNotEnabled,
    ErrorS 'MLSStaleMessage, FederatorAccess, Input Env, MemberStore,
    Resource, SubConversationStore]
  r =>
Qualified UserId
-> Local ConvId
-> SubConvId
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest
-> Sem r ()
        (ClientIdentity -> Qualified UserId
cidQualifiedUser ClientIdentity
        Local ConvId
        (DeleteSubConversationRequest -> Sem r ())
-> DeleteSubConversationRequest -> Sem r ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GroupId -> Epoch -> DeleteSubConversationRequest
DeleteSubConversationRequest GroupId
gid Epoch
      Local ConvOrSubConv
-> Identity LeafIndex -> Qualified UserId -> ClientMap -> Sem r ()
forall (r :: EffectRow) (t :: * -> *).
(Member (Error FederationError) r, Member (Input UTCTime) r,
 Member (Logger (Msg -> Msg)) r,
 Member BackendNotificationQueueAccess r, Member ExternalAccess r,
 Member NotificationSubsystem r, Member ProposalStore r,
 Member (Input Env) r, Member Random r, Foldable t) =>
Local ConvOrSubConv
-> t LeafIndex -> Qualified UserId -> ClientMap -> Sem r ()
        (Local ConvId -> ConvOrSubConv -> Local ConvOrSubConv
forall (t :: QTag) x a.
QualifiedWithTag t x -> a -> QualifiedWithTag t a
qualifyAs Local ConvId
lcnv (MLSConversation -> SubConversation -> ConvOrSubConv
forall c s. c -> s -> ConvOrSubChoice c s
SubConv MLSConversation
mlsConv SubConversation
        (LeafIndex -> Identity LeafIndex
forall a. a -> Identity a
Identity LeafIndex
        (ClientIdentity -> Qualified UserId
cidQualifiedUser ClientIdentity

leaveRemoteSubConversation ::
  ( Members
      '[ ErrorS 'ConvNotFound,
         ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
         Error FederationError,
         Error MLSProtocolError,
  ) =>
  ClientIdentity ->
  Remote ConvId ->
  SubConvId ->
  Sem r ()
leaveRemoteSubConversation :: forall (r :: EffectRow).
  '[ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied,
    Error FederationError, Error MLSProtocolError, FederatorAccess]
  r =>
ClientIdentity -> Remote ConvId -> SubConvId -> Sem r ()
leaveRemoteSubConversation ClientIdentity
cid Remote ConvId
rcnv SubConvId
sub = do
res <-
    Remote ConvId
-> FederatorClient 'Galley LeaveSubConversationResponse
-> Sem r LeaveSubConversationResponse
forall (r :: EffectRow) (c :: Component) x a.
(Member FederatorAccess r, KnownComponent c) =>
Remote x -> FederatorClient c a -> Sem r a
runFederated Remote ConvId
rcnv (FederatorClient 'Galley LeaveSubConversationResponse
 -> Sem r LeaveSubConversationResponse)
-> FederatorClient 'Galley LeaveSubConversationResponse
-> Sem r LeaveSubConversationResponse
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      forall {k} (comp :: Component) (name :: k)
       (fedM :: Component -> * -> *) (showcomp :: Symbol) api x.
(AddAnnotation 'Remote showcomp (FedPath name) x,
 showcomp ~ ShowComponent comp, HasFedEndpoint comp api name,
 HasClient (fedM comp) api, KnownComponent comp, IsNamed name,
 FederationMonad fedM, Typeable (Client (fedM comp) api)) =>
Client (fedM comp) api
forall (comp :: Component) (name :: Symbol)
       (fedM :: Component -> * -> *) (showcomp :: Symbol) api x.
(AddAnnotation 'Remote showcomp (FedPath name) x,
 showcomp ~ ShowComponent comp, HasFedEndpoint comp api name,
 HasClient (fedM comp) api, KnownComponent comp, IsNamed name,
 FederationMonad fedM, Typeable (Client (fedM comp) api)) =>
Client (fedM comp) api
fedClient @'Galley @"leave-sub-conversation" (LeaveSubConversationRequest
 -> FederatorClient 'Galley LeaveSubConversationResponse)
-> LeaveSubConversationRequest
-> FederatorClient 'Galley LeaveSubConversationResponse
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          { $sel:lscrUser:LeaveSubConversationRequest :: UserId
lscrUser = ClientIdentity -> UserId
ciUser ClientIdentity
            $sel:lscrClient:LeaveSubConversationRequest :: ClientId
lscrClient = ClientIdentity -> ClientId
ciClient ClientIdentity
            $sel:lscrConv:LeaveSubConversationRequest :: ConvId
lscrConv = Remote ConvId -> ConvId
forall (t :: QTag) a. QualifiedWithTag t a -> a
tUnqualified Remote ConvId
            $sel:lscrSubConv:LeaveSubConversationRequest :: SubConvId
lscrSubConv = SubConvId
  case LeaveSubConversationResponse
res of
    LeaveSubConversationResponseError GalleyError
e ->
      forall (effs :: EffectRow) (r :: EffectRow) a.
RethrowErrors effs r =>
GalleyError -> Sem r a
rethrowErrors @'[ErrorS 'ConvNotFound, ErrorS 'ConvAccessDenied] GalleyError
    LeaveSubConversationResponseProtocolError Text
e ->
      MLSProtocolError -> Sem r ()
forall e (r :: EffectRow) a. Member (Error e) r => e -> Sem r a
throw (Text -> MLSProtocolError
mlsProtocolError Text
LeaveSubConversationResponseOk -> () -> Sem r ()
forall a. a -> Sem r a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()