module Cassandra.Helpers (toOptionFieldName) where

import Data.Aeson.TH
import Imports

-- | Convenient helper to convert record field names to use as YAML fields.
-- NOTE: We typically use this for options in the configuration files!
-- If you are looking into converting record field name to JSON to be used
-- over the API, look for toJSONFieldName in the Data.Json.Util module.
-- It converts field names into snake_case
-- Example:
-- newtype TeamName = TeamName { teamName :: Text }
-- deriveJSON toJSONFieldName ''teamName
-- would generate {To/From}JSON instances where
-- the field name is "teamName"
toOptionFieldName :: Options
toOptionFieldName :: Options
toOptionFieldName = Options
defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = lowerFirst . dropPrefix}
    lowerFirst :: String -> String
    lowerFirst :: String -> String
lowerFirst (Char
x : String
xs) = Char -> Char
toLower Char
x Char -> String -> String
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: String
    lowerFirst [] = String
    dropPrefix :: String -> String
    dropPrefix :: String -> String
dropPrefix = (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropWhile (Char
'_' ==)