-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
-- Copyright (C) 2022 Wire Swiss GmbH <opensource@wire.com>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
-- later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
-- details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module Wire.API.Routes.Public.Spar where

import Data.Id
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Range
import Imports
import SAML2.WebSSO qualified as SAML
import Servant
import Servant.API.Extended
import Servant.Multipart
import Servant.OpenApi
import URI.ByteString qualified as URI
import Web.Scim.Capabilities.MetaSchema as Scim.Meta
import Web.Scim.Class.Auth as Scim.Auth
import Web.Scim.Class.User as Scim.User
import Wire.API.Deprecated (Deprecated)
import Wire.API.Error
import Wire.API.Error.Brig
import Wire.API.Routes.API
import Wire.API.Routes.Internal.Spar
import Wire.API.Routes.Public
import Wire.API.SwaggerServant
import Wire.API.User.IdentityProvider
import Wire.API.User.Saml
import Wire.API.User.Scim

-- FUTUREWORK (thanks jschaul): Use @Header' '[Strict]@ to avoid the need for the 'Maybe' and the
-- extra checks.

-- FUTUREWORK: use https://hackage.haskell.org/package/servant-0.14.1/docs/Servant-API-Generic.html?

type SparAPI =
  "sso" :> APISSO
    :<|> "identity-providers" :> APIIDP
    :<|> "scim" :> APIScim
    :<|> OmitDocs :> InternalAPI

type DeprecateSSOAPIV1 =
    "DEPRECATED!  use /sso/metadata/:tid instead!  \
    \Details: https://docs.wire.com/understand/single-sign-on/trouble-shooting.html#can-i-use-the-same-sso-login-code-for-multiple-teams"

type APISSO =
  DeprecateSSOAPIV1 :> Deprecated :> "metadata" :> SAML.APIMeta
    :<|> "metadata" :> Capture "team" TeamId :> SAML.APIMeta
    :<|> "initiate-login" :> APIAuthReqPrecheck
    :<|> "initiate-login" :> APIAuthReq
    :<|> APIAuthRespLegacy
    :<|> APIAuthResp
    :<|> "settings" :> SsoSettingsGet

type CheckOK = Verb 'HEAD 200

type APIAuthReqPrecheck =
  QueryParam "success_redirect" URI.URI
    :> QueryParam "error_redirect" URI.URI
    :> Capture "idp" SAML.IdPId
    :> CheckOK '[PlainText] NoContent

type APIAuthReq =
  QueryParam "success_redirect" URI.URI
    :> QueryParam "error_redirect" URI.URI
    -- (SAML.APIAuthReq from here on, except for the cookies)
    :> Capture "idp" SAML.IdPId
    :> Get '[SAML.HTML] (SAML.FormRedirect SAML.AuthnRequest)

type APIAuthRespLegacy =
    :> Deprecated
    :> "finalize-login"
    -- (SAML.APIAuthResp from here on, except for response)
    :> MultipartForm Mem SAML.AuthnResponseBody
    :> Post '[PlainText] Void

type APIAuthResp =
    :> Capture "team" TeamId
    -- (SAML.APIAuthResp from here on, except for response)
    :> MultipartForm Mem SAML.AuthnResponseBody
    :> Post '[PlainText] Void

type APIIDP =
  ZOptUser :> IdpGet
    :<|> ZOptUser :> IdpGetRaw
    :<|> ZOptUser :> IdpGetAll
    :<|> ZOptUser :> IdpCreate
    :<|> ZOptUser :> IdpUpdate
    :<|> ZOptUser :> IdpDelete

type IdpGetRaw = Capture "id" SAML.IdPId :> "raw" :> Get '[RawXML] RawIdPMetadata

type IdpGet = Capture "id" SAML.IdPId :> Get '[JSON] IdP

type IdpGetAll = Get '[JSON] IdPList

-- | See also: 'validateNewIdP', 'idpCreate', 'idpCreateXML'.
type IdpCreate =
  ReqBodyCustomError '[RawXML, JSON] "wai-error" IdPMetadataInfo
    :> QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict] "replaces" SAML.IdPId
    :> QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict] "api_version" WireIdPAPIVersion -- see also: 'DeprecateSSOAPIV1'
    -- FUTUREWORK: The handle is restricted to 32 characters. Can we find a more reasonable upper bound and create a type for it? Also see `IdpUpdate`.
    :> QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict] "handle" (Range 1 32 Text)
    :> PostCreated '[JSON] IdP

type IdpUpdate =
  ReqBodyCustomError '[RawXML, JSON] "wai-error" IdPMetadataInfo
    :> Capture "id" SAML.IdPId
    -- FUTUREWORK: The handle is restricted to 32 characters. Can we find a more reasonable upper bound and create a type for it? Also see `IdpCreate`.
    :> QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict] "handle" (Range 1 32 Text)
    :> Put '[JSON] IdP

type IdpDelete =
  Capture "id" SAML.IdPId
    :> QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict] "purge" Bool
    :> DeleteNoContent

type SsoSettingsGet =
  Get '[JSON] SsoSettings

sparSPIssuer :: (Functor m, SAML.HasConfig m) => Maybe TeamId -> m SAML.Issuer
sparSPIssuer :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(Functor m, HasConfig m) =>
Maybe TeamId -> m Issuer
sparSPIssuer Maybe TeamId
Nothing =
  URI -> Issuer
SAML.Issuer (URI -> Issuer) -> m URI -> m Issuer
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Proxy APISSO -> Proxy APIAuthRespLegacy -> m URI
forall (m :: * -> *) endpoint api.
(HasCallStack, Functor m, HasConfig m, IsElem endpoint api,
 HasLink endpoint, ToHttpApiData (MkLink endpoint)) =>
Proxy api -> Proxy endpoint -> m URI
SAML.getSsoURI (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @APISSO) (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @APIAuthRespLegacy)
sparSPIssuer (Just TeamId
tid) =
  URI -> Issuer
SAML.Issuer (URI -> Issuer) -> m URI -> m Issuer
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Proxy APISSO -> Proxy APIAuthResp -> TeamId -> m URI
forall endpoint api a (f :: * -> *) t.
(Functor f, HasConfig f, MkLink endpoint ~ (t -> a),
 HasLink endpoint, ToHttpApiData a, IsElem endpoint api) =>
Proxy api -> Proxy endpoint -> t -> f URI
SAML.getSsoURI' (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @APISSO) (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @APIAuthResp) TeamId

sparResponseURI :: (Functor m, SAML.HasConfig m) => Maybe TeamId -> m URI.URI
sparResponseURI :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(Functor m, HasConfig m) =>
Maybe TeamId -> m URI
sparResponseURI Maybe TeamId
Nothing =
  Proxy APISSO -> Proxy APIAuthRespLegacy -> m URI
forall (m :: * -> *) endpoint api.
(HasCallStack, Functor m, HasConfig m, IsElem endpoint api,
 HasLink endpoint, ToHttpApiData (MkLink endpoint)) =>
Proxy api -> Proxy endpoint -> m URI
SAML.getSsoURI (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @APISSO) (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @APIAuthRespLegacy)
sparResponseURI (Just TeamId
tid) =
  Proxy APISSO -> Proxy APIAuthResp -> TeamId -> m URI
forall endpoint api a (f :: * -> *) t.
(Functor f, HasConfig f, MkLink endpoint ~ (t -> a),
 HasLink endpoint, ToHttpApiData a, IsElem endpoint api) =>
Proxy api -> Proxy endpoint -> t -> f URI
SAML.getSsoURI' (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @APISSO) (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @APIAuthResp) TeamId


type APIScim =
  OmitDocs :> "v2" :> ScimSiteAPI SparTag
    :<|> "auth-tokens"
      :> CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationFailed
      :> CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationRequired
      :> APIScimToken

type ScimSiteAPI tag = ToServantApi (ScimSite tag)

-- | This is similar to 'Scim.Site', but does not include the 'Scim.GroupAPI',
-- as we don't support it (we don't implement 'Web.Scim.Class.Group.GroupDB').
data ScimSite tag route = ScimSite
  { forall tag route.
ScimSite tag route -> route :- ToServantApi ConfigSite
config ::
        :- ToServantApi Scim.Meta.ConfigSite,
    forall tag route.
ScimSite tag route
-> route
   :- (Header "Authorization" (AuthData tag)
       :> ("Users" :> ToServantApi (UserSite tag)))
users ::
        :- Header "Authorization" (Scim.Auth.AuthData tag)
          :> "Users"
          :> ToServantApi (Scim.User.UserSite tag)
  deriving ((forall x. ScimSite tag route -> Rep (ScimSite tag route) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (ScimSite tag route) x -> ScimSite tag route)
-> Generic (ScimSite tag route)
forall x. Rep (ScimSite tag route) x -> ScimSite tag route
forall x. ScimSite tag route -> Rep (ScimSite tag route) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall tag route x.
Rep (ScimSite tag route) x -> ScimSite tag route
forall tag route x.
ScimSite tag route -> Rep (ScimSite tag route) x
$cfrom :: forall tag route x.
ScimSite tag route -> Rep (ScimSite tag route) x
from :: forall x. ScimSite tag route -> Rep (ScimSite tag route) x
$cto :: forall tag route x.
Rep (ScimSite tag route) x -> ScimSite tag route
to :: forall x. Rep (ScimSite tag route) x -> ScimSite tag route

type APIScimToken =
  ZOptUser :> APIScimTokenCreate
    :<|> ZOptUser :> APIScimTokenDelete
    :<|> ZOptUser :> APIScimTokenList

type APIScimTokenCreate =
  ReqBody '[JSON] CreateScimToken
    :> Post '[JSON] CreateScimTokenResponse

type APIScimTokenDelete =
  QueryParam' '[Required, Strict] "id" ScimTokenId
    :> DeleteNoContent

type APIScimTokenList =
  Get '[JSON] ScimTokenList

data SparAPITag

instance ServiceAPI SparAPITag v where
  type ServiceAPIRoutes SparAPITag = SparAPI
  type SpecialisedAPIRoutes v SparAPITag = SparAPI
  serviceSwagger :: HasOpenApi (SpecialisedAPIRoutes v SparAPITag) => OpenApi
serviceSwagger = Proxy
  (("sso" :> APISSO)
   :<|> (("identity-providers" :> APIIDP)
         :<|> (("scim"
                :> ((OmitDocs
                     :> ("v2"
                         :> (((("ServiceProviderConfig" :> Get '[SCIM] Configuration)
                               :<|> ("Schemas" :> Get '[SCIM] (ListResponse Value)))
                              :<|> (("Schemas" :> (Capture "id" Text :> Get '[SCIM] Value))
                                    :<|> ("ResourceTypes" :> Get '[SCIM] (ListResponse Resource))))
                             :<|> (Header "Authorization" ScimToken
                                   :> ("Users"
                                       :> (((QueryParam "filter" Filter
                                             :> Get
                                                     (WithMeta (WithId UserId (User SparTag)))))
                                            :<|> ((Capture "id" UserId
                                                   :> Get
                                                        (WithMeta (WithId UserId (User SparTag))))
                                                  :<|> (ReqBody '[SCIM] (User SparTag)
                                                        :> PostCreated
                                                                (WithId UserId (User SparTag))))))
                                           :<|> ((Capture "id" UserId
                                                  :> (ReqBody '[SCIM] (User SparTag)
                                                      :> Put
                                                              (WithId UserId (User SparTag)))))
                                                 :<|> ((Capture "id" UserId
                                                        :> (ReqBody '[SCIM] (PatchOp SparTag)
                                                            :> Patch
                                                                       UserId (User SparTag)))))
                                                       :<|> (Capture "id" UserId
                                                             :> DeleteNoContent)))))))))
                    :<|> ("auth-tokens"
                          :> (CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationFailed
                              :> (CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationRequired :> APIScimToken)))))
               :<|> (OmitDocs :> InternalAPI))))
-> OpenApi
forall {k} (api :: k). HasOpenApi api => Proxy api -> OpenApi
toOpenApi (forall t. Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @SparAPI)