Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



type CaptureUserId name = Capture' '[Description "User Id"] name UserId Source #

type CaptureClientId name = Capture' '[Description "ClientId"] name ClientId Source #

newtype RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout Source #


RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout (Respond 202 "Deletion is pending verification with a code." DeletionCodeTimeout) 


Instances details
IsSwaggerResponse RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig


responseSwagger :: Declare Response Source #

AsUnion DeleteSelfResponses (Maybe Timeout) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

IsResponse '[JSON] RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

type ResponseBody RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

type ResponseBody RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout = ResponseBody (Respond 202 "Deletion is pending verification with a code." DeletionCodeTimeout)
type ResponseStatus RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

type ResponseStatus RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout = ResponseStatus (Respond 202 "Deletion is pending verification with a code." DeletionCodeTimeout)
type ResponseType RespondWithDeletionCodeTimeout Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

type ConnectionUpdateResponses = UpdateResponses "Connection unchanged" "Connection updated" UserConnection Source #

type UserAPI = Named "get-user-unqualified" (Summary "Get a user by UserId" :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZLocalUser :> ("users" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> GetUserVerb))))) :<|> (Named "get-user-qualified" (Summary "Get a user by Domain and UserId" :> (ZLocalUser :> ("users" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> GetUserVerb)))) :<|> (Named "update-user-email" (Summary "Resend email address validation email." :> (Description "If the user has a pending email validation, the validation email will be resent." :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> ("email" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EmailUpdate :> Put '[JSON] ()))))))) :<|> (Named "get-handle-info-unqualified" (Summary "(deprecated, use /search/contacts) Get information on a user handle" :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> ("handles" :> (Capture' '[Description "The user handle"] "handle" Handle :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[ErrorResponse 'HandleNotFound, Respond 200 "User found" UserHandleInfo] (Maybe UserHandleInfo))))))) :<|> (Named "get-user-by-handle-qualified" (Summary "(deprecated, use /search/contacts) Get information on a user handle" :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> ("by-handle" :> (QualifiedCapture' '[Description "The user handle"] "handle" Handle :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[ErrorResponse 'HandleNotFound, Respond 200 "User found" UserProfile] (Maybe UserProfile))))))) :<|> (Named "list-users-by-unqualified-ids-or-handles" (Summary "List users (deprecated)" :> (Until 'V2 :> (Description "The 'ids' and 'handles' parameters are mutually exclusive." :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "User IDs of users to fetch"] "ids" (CommaSeparatedList UserId) :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Handles of users to fetch, min 1 and max 4 (the check for handles is rather expensive)"] "handles" (Range 1 4 (CommaSeparatedList Handle)) :> Get '[JSON] [UserProfile]))))))) :<|> (Named "list-users-by-ids-or-handles" (Summary "List users" :> (Description "The 'qualified_ids' and 'qualified_handles' parameters are mutually exclusive." :> (ZUser :> (From 'V4 :> ("list-users" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ListUsersQuery :> Post '[JSON] ListUsersById)))))) :<|> (Named "list-users-by-ids-or-handles@V3" (Summary "List users" :> (Description "The 'qualified_ids' and 'qualified_handles' parameters are mutually exclusive." :> (ZUser :> (Until 'V4 :> ("list-users" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ListUsersQuery :> Post '[JSON] [UserProfile])))))) :<|> (Named "send-verification-code" (Summary "Send a verification code to a given email address." :> ("verification-code" :> ("send" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] SendVerificationCode :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Verification code sent."] ())))) :<|> (Named "get-rich-info" (Summary "Get a user's rich info" :> (CanThrow 'InsufficientTeamPermissions :> (ZLocalUser :> ("users" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> ("rich-info" :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[Respond 200 "Rich info about the user" RichInfoAssocList] RichInfoAssocList)))))) :<|> Named "get-supported-protocols" (Summary "Get a user's supported protocols" :> (From 'V5 :> (ZLocalUser :> ("users" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> ("supported-protocols" :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (Respond 200 "Protocols supported by the user" (Set BaseProtocolTag))))))))))))))))) Source #

type SelfAPI = Named "get-self" (Summary "Get your own profile" :> (DescriptionOAuthScope 'ReadSelf :> (ZLocalUser :> ("self" :> Get '[JSON] SelfProfile)))) :<|> (Named "delete-self" (Summary "Initiate account deletion." :> (Description "if the account has a verified identity, a verification code is sent and needs to be confirmed to authorise the deletion. if the account has no verified identity but a password, it must be provided. if password is correct, or if neither a verified identity nor a password exists, account deletion is scheduled immediately." :> (CanThrow 'InvalidUser :> (CanThrow 'InvalidCode :> (CanThrow 'BadCredentials :> (CanThrow 'MissingAuth :> (CanThrow 'DeleteCodePending :> (CanThrow 'OwnerDeletingSelf :> (ZLocalUser :> ("self" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] DeleteUser :> MultiVerb 'DELETE '[JSON] DeleteSelfResponses (Maybe Timeout)))))))))))) :<|> (Named "put-self" (Summary "Update your profile." :> (ZLocalUser :> (ZConn :> ("self" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] UserUpdate :> MultiVerb1 'PUT '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "User updated")))))) :<|> (Named "change-phone" (Summary "Change your phone number." :> (Until 'V6 :> (ZUser :> (ZConn :> ("self" :> ("phone" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] PhoneUpdate :> MultiVerb 'PUT '[JSON] ChangePhoneResponses (Maybe ChangePhoneError)))))))) :<|> (Named "remove-phone" (Summary "Remove your phone number." :> (Until 'V6 :> (Description "Your phone number can only be removed if you also have an email address and a password." :> (ZUser :> ("self" :> ("phone" :> MultiVerb 'DELETE '[JSON] RemoveIdentityResponses (Maybe RemoveIdentityError))))))) :<|> (Named "remove-email" (Summary "Remove your email address." :> (Description "Your email address can only be removed if you also have a phone number." :> (ZUser :> ("self" :> ("email" :> MultiVerb 'DELETE '[JSON] RemoveIdentityResponses (Maybe RemoveIdentityError)))))) :<|> (Named "check-password-exists" (Summary "Check that your password is set." :> (ZUser :> ("self" :> ("password" :> MultiVerb 'HEAD '() '[RespondEmpty 404 "Password is not set", RespondEmpty 200 "Password is set"] Bool)))) :<|> (Named "change-password" (Summary "Change your password." :> (ZUser :> ("self" :> ("password" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] PasswordChange :> MultiVerb 'PUT '[JSON] ChangePasswordResponses (Maybe ChangePasswordError)))))) :<|> (Named "change-locale" (Summary "Change your locale." :> (ZLocalUser :> (ZConn :> ("self" :> ("locale" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] LocaleUpdate :> MultiVerb1 'PUT '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Local Changed"))))))) :<|> (Named "change-handle" (Summary "Change your handle." :> (ZLocalUser :> (ZConn :> ("self" :> ("handle" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] HandleUpdate :> MultiVerb1 'PUT '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Handle Changed"))))))) :<|> Named "change-supported-protocols" (Summary "Change your supported protocols" :> (From 'V5 :> (ZLocalUser :> (ZConn :> ("self" :> ("supported-protocols" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] SupportedProtocolUpdate :> MultiVerb1 'PUT '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Supported protocols changed"))))))))))))))))) Source #

type UserHandleAPI = Named "check-user-handles" (Summary "Check availability of user handles" :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> ("handles" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] CheckHandles :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[Respond 200 "List of free handles" [Handle]] [Handle]))))) :<|> Named "check-user-handle" (Summary "Check whether a user handle can be taken" :> (CanThrow 'InvalidHandle :> (CanThrow 'HandleNotFound :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> ("handles" :> (Capture "handle" Text :> MultiVerb 'HEAD '[JSON] '[Respond 200 "Handle is taken" ()] ()))))))) Source #

type AccountAPI = Named "upgrade-personal-to-team" (Summary "Upgrade personal user to team owner" :> ("upgrade-personal-to-team" :> (ZLocalUser :> (ReqBody '[JSON] BindingNewTeamUser :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] UpgradePersonalToTeamResponses (Either UpgradePersonalToTeamError CreateUserTeam))))) :<|> (Named "register" (Summary "Register a new user." :> (Description "If the environment where the registration takes place is private and a registered email address is not whitelisted, a 403 error is returned." :> ("register" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] NewUserPublic :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] RegisterResponses (Either RegisterError RegisterSuccess))))) :<|> (Named "verify-delete" (Summary "Verify account deletion with a code." :> (CanThrow 'InvalidCode :> ("delete" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] VerifyDeleteUser :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Deletion is initiated."] ())))) :<|> (Named "get-activate" (Summary "Activate (i.e. confirm) an email address." :> (Description "See also 'POST /activate' which has a larger feature set." :> (CanThrow 'UserKeyExists :> (CanThrow 'InvalidActivationCodeWrongUser :> (CanThrow 'InvalidActivationCodeWrongCode :> (CanThrow 'InvalidEmail :> (CanThrow 'InvalidPhone :> ("activate" :> (QueryParam' '[Required, Strict, Description "Activation key"] "key" ActivationKey :> (QueryParam' '[Required, Strict, Description "Activation code"] "code" ActivationCode :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] GetActivateResponse ActivationRespWithStatus)))))))))) :<|> (Named "post-activate" (Summary "Activate (i.e. confirm) an email address." :> (Description "Activation only succeeds once and the number of failed attempts for a valid key is limited." :> (CanThrow 'UserKeyExists :> (CanThrow 'InvalidActivationCodeWrongUser :> (CanThrow 'InvalidActivationCodeWrongCode :> (CanThrow 'InvalidEmail :> (CanThrow 'InvalidPhone :> ("activate" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Activate :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] GetActivateResponse ActivationRespWithStatus))))))))) :<|> (Named "post-activate-send" (Summary "Send (or resend) an email activation code." :> (CanThrow 'UserKeyExists :> (CanThrow 'InvalidEmail :> (CanThrow 'BlacklistedEmail :> (CanThrow 'CustomerExtensionBlockedDomain :> ("activate" :> ("send" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] SendActivationCode :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Activation code sent."] ())))))))) :<|> (Named "post-password-reset" (Summary "Initiate a password reset." :> ("password-reset" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] NewPasswordReset :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 201 "Password reset code created and sent by email."] ()))) :<|> (Named "post-password-reset-complete" (Summary "Complete a password reset." :> (CanThrow 'InvalidPasswordResetCode :> ("password-reset" :> ("complete" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] CompletePasswordReset :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Password reset successful."] ()))))) :<|> (Named "post-password-reset-key-deprecated" (Summary "Complete a password reset." :> (Deprecated :> (CanThrow 'PasswordResetInProgress :> (CanThrow 'InvalidPasswordResetKey :> (CanThrow 'InvalidPasswordResetCode :> (CanThrow 'ResetPasswordMustDiffer :> (Description "DEPRECATED: Use 'POST /password-reset/complete'." :> ("password-reset" :> (Capture' '[Description "An opaque key for a pending password reset."] "key" PasswordResetKey :> (ReqBody '[JSON] PasswordReset :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Password reset successful."] ())))))))))) :<|> Named "onboarding" (Summary "Upload contacts and invoke matching." :> (Deprecated :> (Description "DEPRECATED: the feature has been turned off, the end-point does nothing and always returns '{\"results\":[],\"auto-connects\":[]}'." :> (ZUser :> ("onboarding" :> ("v3" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] JsonValue :> Post '[JSON] DeprecatedMatchingResult))))))))))))))) Source #

data ActivationRespWithStatus Source #


Instances details
Generic ActivationRespWithStatus Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

Associated Types

type Rep ActivationRespWithStatus :: Type -> Type #

Generic ActivationRespWithStatus Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

Associated Types

type Code ActivationRespWithStatus :: [[Type]] Source #

AsUnion GetActivateResponse ActivationRespWithStatus Source # 
Instance details

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type Rep ActivationRespWithStatus Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

type Rep ActivationRespWithStatus = D1 ('MetaData "ActivationRespWithStatus" "Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig" "wire-api-0.1.0-EbZS9CKNOfZ8BBy5DRJfXi" 'False) ((C1 ('MetaCons "ActivationResp" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 ActivationResponse)) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "ActivationRespDryRun" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "ActivationRespPass" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "ActivationRespSuccessNoIdent" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))
type Code ActivationRespWithStatus Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

type GetActivateResponse = '[Respond 200 "Activation successful." ActivationResponse, RespondEmpty 200 "Activation successful. (Dry run)", RespondEmpty 204 "A recent activation was already successful.", RespondEmpty 200 "Activation successful."] Source #

type PrekeyAPI = Named "get-users-prekeys-client-unqualified" (Summary "(deprecated) Get a prekey for a specific client of a user." :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> ("prekeys" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> Get '[JSON] ClientPrekey))))))) :<|> (Named "get-users-prekeys-client-qualified" (Summary "Get a prekey for a specific client of a user." :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> ("prekeys" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> Get '[JSON] ClientPrekey)))))) :<|> (Named "get-users-prekey-bundle-unqualified" (Summary "(deprecated) Get a prekey for each client of a user." :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> ("prekeys" :> Get '[JSON] PrekeyBundle)))))) :<|> (Named "get-users-prekey-bundle-qualified" (Summary "Get a prekey for each client of a user." :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> ("prekeys" :> Get '[JSON] PrekeyBundle))))) :<|> (Named "get-multi-user-prekey-bundle-unqualified" (Summary "(deprecated) Given a map of user IDs to client IDs return a prekey for each one." :> (Description "You can't request information for more users than maximum conversation size." :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> ("prekeys" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] UserClients :> Post '[JSON] UserClientPrekeyMap))))))) :<|> (Named "get-multi-user-prekey-bundle-qualified@v3" (Summary "(deprecated) Given a map of user IDs to client IDs return a prekey for each one." :> (Description "You can't request information for more users than maximum conversation size." :> (ZUser :> (Until 'V4 :> ("users" :> ("list-prekeys" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] QualifiedUserClients :> Post '[JSON] QualifiedUserClientPrekeyMap))))))) :<|> Named "get-multi-user-prekey-bundle-qualified" (Summary "(deprecated) Given a map of user IDs to client IDs return a prekey for each one." :> (Description "You can't request information for more users than maximum conversation size." :> (ZUser :> (From 'V4 :> ("users" :> ("list-prekeys" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] QualifiedUserClients :> Post '[JSON] QualifiedUserClientPrekeyMapV4)))))))))))) Source #

type ClientHeaders = '[DescHeader "Location" "Client ID" ClientId] Source #

type UserClientAPI = Named "add-client-v6" (Summary "Register a new client" :> (Until 'V7 :> (CanThrow 'TooManyClients :> (CanThrow 'MissingAuth :> (CanThrow 'MalformedPrekeys :> (CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationFailed :> (CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationRequired :> (ZLocalUser :> (ZConn :> ("clients" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] NewClient :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] (WithHeaders ClientHeaders Client (VersionedRespond 'V6 201 "Client registered" Client))))))))))))) :<|> (Named "add-client" (Summary "Register a new client" :> (From 'V6 :> (CanThrow 'TooManyClients :> (CanThrow 'MissingAuth :> (CanThrow 'MalformedPrekeys :> (CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationFailed :> (CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationRequired :> (ZLocalUser :> (ZConn :> ("clients" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] NewClient :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] (WithHeaders ClientHeaders Client (Respond 201 "Client registered" Client))))))))))))) :<|> (Named "update-client" (Summary "Update a registered client" :> (CanThrow 'MalformedPrekeys :> (ZUser :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] UpdateClient :> MultiVerb 'PUT '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Client updated"] ())))))) :<|> (Named "delete-client" (Summary "Delete an existing client" :> (ZUser :> (ZConn :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] RmClient :> MultiVerb 'DELETE '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Client deleted"] ())))))) :<|> (Named "list-clients-v6" (Summary "List the registered clients" :> (Until 'V7 :> (ZUser :> ("clients" :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (VersionedRespond 'V6 200 "List of clients" [Client]))))) :<|> (Named "list-clients" (Summary "List the registered clients" :> (From 'V7 :> (ZUser :> ("clients" :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (Respond 200 "List of clients" [Client]))))) :<|> (Named "get-client-v6" (Summary "Get a registered client by ID" :> (Until 'V7 :> (ZUser :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[EmptyErrorForLegacyReasons 404 "Client not found", VersionedRespond 'V6 200 "Client found" Client] (Maybe Client)))))) :<|> (Named "get-client" (Summary "Get a registered client by ID" :> (From 'V7 :> (ZUser :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[EmptyErrorForLegacyReasons 404 "Client not found", Respond 200 "Client found" Client] (Maybe Client)))))) :<|> (Named "get-client-capabilities" (Summary "Read back what the client has been posting about itself" :> (ZUser :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> ("capabilities" :> Get '[JSON] ClientCapabilityList))))) :<|> (Named "get-client-prekeys" (Summary "List the remaining prekey IDs of a client" :> (ZUser :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> ("prekeys" :> Get '[JSON] [PrekeyId]))))) :<|> (NewNonce "head-nonce" 'HEAD 200 :<|> (NewNonce "get-nonce" 'GET 204 :<|> CreateAccessToken))))))))))) Source #

type CreateAccessToken = Named "create-access-token" (Summary "Create a JWT DPoP access token" :> (Description "Create an JWT DPoP access token for the client CSR, given a JWT DPoP proof, specified in the `DPoP` header. The access token will be returned as JWT DPoP token in the `DPoP` header." :> (ZLocalUser :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "cid" :> ("access-token" :> (Header' '[Required, Strict] "DPoP" Proof :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] (WithHeaders '[Header "Cache-Control" CacheControl] (DPoPAccessTokenResponse, CacheControl) (Respond 200 "Access token created" DPoPAccessTokenResponse))))))))) Source #

type NewNonce name method statusCode = Named name (Summary "Get a new nonce for a client CSR" :> (Description "Get a new nonce for a client CSR, specified in the response header `Replay-Nonce` as a uuidv4 in base64url encoding." :> (ZUser :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> ("nonce" :> MultiVerb1 method '[JSON] (WithHeaders '[Header "Replay-Nonce" NonceHeader, Header "Cache-Control" CacheControl] (Nonce, CacheControl) (RespondEmpty statusCode "No Content")))))))) Source #

newtype NonceHeader Source #


NonceHeader Nonce 


Instances details
Show NonceHeader Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

FromByteString NonceHeader Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig


parser :: Parser NonceHeader Source #

ToByteString NonceHeader Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

Eq NonceHeader Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

FromHttpApiData NonceHeader Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

ToHttpApiData NonceHeader Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

ToParamSchema NonceHeader Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

AsHeaders '[NonceHeader, CacheControl] () (Nonce, CacheControl) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig

type ClientAPI = Named "get-user-clients-unqualified" (Summary "Get all of a user's clients" :> (Until 'V2 :> ("users" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> ("clients" :> Get '[JSON] [PubClient]))))) :<|> (Named "get-user-clients-qualified" (Summary "Get all of a user's clients" :> ("users" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> ("clients" :> Get '[JSON] [PubClient])))) :<|> (Named "get-user-client-unqualified" (Summary "Get a specific client of a user" :> (Until 'V2 :> ("users" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> Get '[JSON] PubClient)))))) :<|> (Named "get-user-client-qualified" (Summary "Get a specific client of a user" :> ("users" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> ("clients" :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> Get '[JSON] PubClient))))) :<|> (Named "list-clients-bulk" (Summary "List all clients for a set of user ids" :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> ("list-clients" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] (Range 1 MaxUsersForListClientsBulk [Qualified UserId]) :> Post '[JSON] (QualifiedUserMap (Set PubClient)))))))) :<|> (Named "list-clients-bulk-v2" (Summary "List all clients for a set of user ids" :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> ("list-clients" :> ("v2" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] (LimitedQualifiedUserIdList MaxUsersForListClientsBulk) :> Post '[JSON] (WrappedQualifiedUserMap (Set PubClient))))))))) :<|> Named "list-clients-bulk@v2" (Summary "List all clients for a set of user ids" :> (Description "If a backend is unreachable, the clients from that backend will be omitted from the response" :> (From 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("users" :> ("list-clients" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] (LimitedQualifiedUserIdList MaxUsersForListClientsBulk) :> Post '[JSON] (WrappedQualifiedUserMap (Set PubClient)))))))))))))) Source #

type ConnectionAPI = Named "create-connection-unqualified" (Summary "Create a connection to another user" :> (Until 'V2 :> (CanThrow 'MissingLegalholdConsentOldClients :> (CanThrow 'MissingLegalholdConsent :> (CanThrow 'InvalidUser :> (CanThrow 'ConnectionLimitReached :> (CanThrow 'NoIdentity :> (Description "You can have no more than 1000 connections in accepted or sent state" :> (ZUser :> (ZConn :> ("connections" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ConnectionRequest :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] (ResponsesForExistedCreated "Connection existed" "Connection was created" UserConnection) (ResponseForExistedCreated UserConnection))))))))))))) :<|> (Named "create-connection" (Summary "Create a connection to another user" :> (CanThrow 'MissingLegalholdConsentOldClients :> (CanThrow 'MissingLegalholdConsent :> (CanThrow 'InvalidUser :> (CanThrow 'ConnectionLimitReached :> (CanThrow 'NoIdentity :> (Description "You can have no more than 1000 connections in accepted or sent state" :> (ZUser :> (ZConn :> ("connections" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] (ResponsesForExistedCreated "Connection existed" "Connection was created" UserConnection) (ResponseForExistedCreated UserConnection)))))))))))) :<|> (Named "list-local-connections" (Summary "List the local connections to other users" :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("connections" :> (QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict, Description "User ID to start from when paginating"] "start" UserId :> (QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict, Description "Number of results to return (default 100, max 500)"] "size" (Range 1 500 Int32) :> Get '[JSON] UserConnectionList)))))) :<|> (Named "list-connections" (Summary "List the connections to other users, including remote users" :> (Description PaginationDocs :> (ZUser :> ("list-connections" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ListConnectionsRequestPaginated :> Post '[JSON] ConnectionsPage))))) :<|> (Named "get-connection-unqualified" (Summary "Get an existing connection to another user" :> (Until 'V2 :> (ZUser :> ("connections" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[EmptyErrorForLegacyReasons 404 "Connection not found", Respond 200 "Connection found" UserConnection] (Maybe UserConnection)))))) :<|> (Named "get-connection" (Summary "Get an existing connection to another user (local or remote)" :> (ZUser :> ("connections" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[EmptyErrorForLegacyReasons 404 "Connection not found", Respond 200 "Connection found" UserConnection] (Maybe UserConnection))))) :<|> (Named "update-connection-unqualified" (Summary "Update a connection to another user" :> (Until 'V2 :> (CanThrow 'MissingLegalholdConsentOldClients :> (CanThrow 'MissingLegalholdConsent :> (CanThrow 'InvalidUser :> (CanThrow 'ConnectionLimitReached :> (CanThrow 'NotConnected :> (CanThrow 'InvalidTransition :> (CanThrow 'NoIdentity :> (ZUser :> (ZConn :> ("connections" :> (CaptureUserId "uid" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ConnectionUpdate :> MultiVerb 'PUT '[JSON] ConnectionUpdateResponses (UpdateResult UserConnection))))))))))))))) :<|> (Named "update-connection" (Summary "Update a connection to another user" :> (CanThrow 'MissingLegalholdConsentOldClients :> (CanThrow 'MissingLegalholdConsent :> (CanThrow 'InvalidUser :> (CanThrow 'ConnectionLimitReached :> (CanThrow 'NotConnected :> (CanThrow 'InvalidTransition :> (CanThrow 'NoIdentity :> (ZUser :> (ZConn :> ("connections" :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "uid" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ConnectionUpdate :> MultiVerb 'PUT '[JSON] ConnectionUpdateResponses (UpdateResult UserConnection)))))))))))))) :<|> Named "search-contacts" (Summary "Search for users" :> (ZLocalUser :> ("search" :> ("contacts" :> (QueryParam' '[Required, Strict, Description "Search query"] "q" Text :> (QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict, Description "Searched domain. Note: This is optional only for backwards compatibility, future versions will mandate this."] "domain" Domain :> (QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict, Description "Number of results to return (min: 1, max: 500, default 15)"] "size" (Range 1 500 Int32) :> Get '[JSON] (SearchResult Contact))))))))))))))) Source #

type PropertiesAPI = LiftNamed (ZUser :> ("properties" :> (Named "set-property" (Summary "Set a user property" :> (ZConn :> (Capture "key" PropertyKey :> (ReqBody '[JSON] RawPropertyValue :> MultiVerb1 'PUT '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Property set"))))) :<|> (Named "delete-property" (Summary "Delete a property" :> (ZConn :> (Capture "key" PropertyKey :> MultiVerb1 'DELETE '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Property deleted")))) :<|> (Named "clear-properties" (Summary "Clear all properties" :> (ZConn :> MultiVerb1 'DELETE '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Properties cleared"))) :<|> (Named "get-property" (Summary "Get a property value" :> (Capture "key" PropertyKey :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[EmptyErrorForLegacyReasons 404 "Property not found", Respond 200 "The property value" RawPropertyValue] (Maybe RawPropertyValue))) :<|> Named "list-property-keys" (Summary "List all property keys" :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (Respond 200 "List of property keys" [PropertyKey])))))))) :<|> Named "list-properties" (Summary "List all properties with key and value" :> (ZUser :> ("properties-values" :> Get '[JSON] PropertyKeysAndValues))) Source #

type CipherSuiteParam = QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Ciphersuite in hex format (e.g. 0xf031) - default is 0x0001"] "ciphersuite" CipherSuite Source #

type MultipleCipherSuitesParam = QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Comma-separated list of ciphersuites in hex format (e.g. 0xf031) - default is 0x0001"] "ciphersuites" (CommaSeparatedList CipherSuite) Source #

type MLSKeyPackageAPI = "key-packages" :> (Named "mls-key-packages-upload" ("self" :> (Summary "Upload a fresh batch of key packages" :> (From 'V5 :> (Description "The request body should be a json object containing a list of base64-encoded key packages." :> (ZLocalUser :> (CanThrow 'MLSProtocolError :> (CanThrow 'MLSIdentityMismatch :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] KeyPackageUpload :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON, MLS] '[RespondEmpty 201 "Key packages uploaded"] ()))))))))) :<|> (Named "mls-key-packages-replace" ("self" :> (Summary "Upload a fresh batch of key packages and replace the old ones" :> (From 'V5 :> (Description "The request body should be a json object containing a list of base64-encoded key packages. Use this sparingly." :> (ZLocalUser :> (CanThrow 'MLSProtocolError :> (CanThrow 'MLSIdentityMismatch :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> (MultipleCipherSuitesParam :> (ReqBody '[JSON] KeyPackageUpload :> MultiVerb 'PUT '[JSON, MLS] '[RespondEmpty 201 "Key packages replaced"] ())))))))))) :<|> (Named "mls-key-packages-claim" ("claim" :> (Summary "Claim one key package for each client of the given user" :> (From 'V5 :> (Description "Only key packages for the specified ciphersuite are claimed. For backwards compatibility, the `ciphersuite` parameter is optional, defaulting to ciphersuite 0x0001 when omitted." :> (ZLocalUser :> (ZOptClient :> (QualifiedCaptureUserId "user" :> (CipherSuiteParam :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] (Respond 200 "Claimed key packages" KeyPackageBundle))))))))) :<|> (Named "mls-key-packages-count" ("self" :> (Summary "Return the number of unclaimed key packages for a given ciphersuite and client" :> (From 'V5 :> (ZLocalUser :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> ("count" :> (CipherSuiteParam :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (Respond 200 "Number of key packages" KeyPackageCount)))))))) :<|> Named "mls-key-packages-delete" ("self" :> (From 'V5 :> (ZLocalUser :> (CaptureClientId "client" :> (Summary "Delete all key packages for a given ciphersuite and client" :> (CipherSuiteParam :> (ReqBody '[JSON] DeleteKeyPackages :> MultiVerb1 'DELETE '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 201 "OK")))))))))))) Source #

type SearchAPI = Named "browse-team" (Summary "Browse team for members (requires add-user permission)" :> (ZUser :> ("teams" :> (Capture "tid" TeamId :> ("search" :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Search expression"] "q" Text :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Role filter, eg. `member,partner`. Empty list means do not filter."] "frole" RoleFilter :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Can be one of name, handle, email, saml_idp, managed_by, role, created_at."] "sortby" TeamUserSearchSortBy :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Can be one of asc, desc."] "sortorder" TeamUserSearchSortOrder :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Number of results to return (min: 1, max: 500, default: 15)"] "size" (Range 1 500 Int) :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Optional, when not specified, the first page will be returned. Every returned page contains a `paging_state`, this should be supplied to retrieve the next page."] "pagingState" PagingState :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[Respond 200 "Search results" (SearchResult TeamContact)] (SearchResult TeamContact)))))))))))) Source #

type AuthAPI = Named "access" ("access" :> (Summary "Obtain an access tokens for a cookie" :> (Description "You can provide only a cookie or a cookie and token. Every other combination is invalid. Access tokens can be given as query parameter or authorisation header, with the latter being preferred." :> (QueryParam "client_id" ClientId :> (Cookies '["zuid" ::: SomeUserToken] :> (Bearer SomeAccessToken :> (CanThrow 'BadCredentials :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] TokenResponse))))))) :<|> (Named "send-login-code" ("login" :> ("send" :> (Until 'V6 :> (Summary "Send a login code to a verified phone number" :> (Description "This operation generates and sends a login code via sms for phone login. A login code can be used only once and times out after 10 minutes. Only one login code may be pending at a time. For 2nd factor authentication login with email and password, use the `/verification-code/send` endpoint." :> (ReqBody '[JSON] SendLoginCode :> (CanThrow 'InvalidPhone :> (CanThrow 'PasswordExists :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] (Respond 200 "OK" LoginCodeTimeout))))))))) :<|> (Named "login" ("login" :> (Summary "Authenticate a user to obtain a cookie and first access token" :> (Description "Logins are throttled at the server's discretion" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Login :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Request a persistent cookie instead of a session cookie"] "persist" Bool :> (CanThrow 'BadCredentials :> (CanThrow 'AccountSuspended :> (CanThrow 'AccountPending :> (CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationFailed :> (CanThrow 'CodeAuthenticationRequired :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] TokenResponse)))))))))) :<|> (Named "logout" ("access" :> ("logout" :> (Summary "Log out in order to remove a cookie from the server" :> (Description "Calling this endpoint will effectively revoke the given cookie and subsequent calls to /access with the same cookie will result in a 403." :> (Cookies '["zuid" ::: SomeUserToken] :> (Bearer SomeAccessToken :> (CanThrow 'BadCredentials :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Logout")))))))) :<|> (Named "change-self-email" ("access" :> ("self" :> ("email" :> (Summary "Change your email address" :> (Cookies '["zuid" ::: SomeUserToken] :> (Bearer SomeAccessToken :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EmailUpdate :> (CanThrow 'InvalidEmail :> (CanThrow 'UserKeyExists :> (CanThrow 'BlacklistedEmail :> (CanThrow 'BadCredentials :> MultiVerb 'PUT '[JSON] '[Respond 202 "Update accepted and pending activation of the new email" (), Respond 204 "No update, current and new email address are the same" ()] ChangeEmailResponse))))))))))) :<|> (Named "list-cookies" ("cookies" :> (Summary "Retrieve the list of cookies currently stored for the user" :> (ZLocalUser :> (QueryParam' [Optional, Strict, Description "Filter by label (comma-separated list)"] "labels" (CommaSeparatedList CookieLabel) :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (Respond 200 "List of cookies" CookieList))))) :<|> Named "remove-cookies" ("cookies" :> ("remove" :> (Summary "Revoke stored cookies" :> (ZLocalUser :> (CanThrow 'BadCredentials :> (ReqBody '[JSON] RemoveCookies :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Cookies revoked")))))))))))) Source #

type CallingAPI = Named "get-calls-config" (Summary "Retrieve TURN server addresses and credentials for IP addresses, scheme `turn` and transport `udp` only (deprecated)" :> (Deprecated :> (ZUser :> (ZConn :> ("calls" :> ("config" :> Get '[JSON] RTCConfiguration)))))) :<|> Named "get-calls-config-v2" (Summary "Retrieve all TURN server addresses and credentials. Clients are expected to do a DNS lookup to resolve the IP addresses of the given hostnames " :> (ZUser :> (ZConn :> ("calls" :> ("config" :> ("v2" :> (QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict, Description "Limit resulting list. Allowed values [1..10]"] "limit" (Range 1 10 Int) :> Get '[JSON] RTCConfiguration))))))) Source #

type TeamsAPI = Named "send-team-invitation" (Summary "Create and send a new team invitation." :> (Description "Invitations are sent by email. The maximum allowed number of pending team invitations is equal to the team size." :> (CanThrow 'NoEmail :> (CanThrow 'NoIdentity :> (CanThrow 'InvalidEmail :> (CanThrow 'BlacklistedEmail :> (CanThrow 'TooManyTeamInvitations :> (CanThrow 'InsufficientTeamPermissions :> (CanThrow 'InvalidInvitationCode :> (ZLocalUser :> ("teams" :> (Capture "tid" TeamId :> ("invitations" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] InvitationRequest :> MultiVerb1 'POST '[JSON] (WithHeaders '[Header "Location" InvitationLocation] (Invitation, InvitationLocation) (Respond 201 "Invitation was created and sent." Invitation)))))))))))))))) :<|> (Named "get-team-invitations" (Summary "List the sent team invitations" :> (CanThrow 'InsufficientTeamPermissions :> (ZUser :> ("teams" :> (Capture "tid" TeamId :> ("invitations" :> (QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict, Description "Invitation id to start from (ascending)."] "start" InvitationId :> (QueryParam' '[Optional, Strict, Description "Number of results to return (default 100, max 500)."] "size" (Range 1 500 Int32) :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (Respond 200 "List of sent invitations" InvitationList))))))))) :<|> (Named "get-team-invitation" (Summary "Get a pending team invitation by ID." :> (CanThrow 'InsufficientTeamPermissions :> (ZUser :> ("teams" :> (Capture "tid" TeamId :> ("invitations" :> (Capture "iid" InvitationId :> MultiVerb 'GET '[JSON] '[ErrorResponse 'NotificationNotFound, Respond 200 "Invitation" Invitation] (Maybe Invitation)))))))) :<|> (Named "delete-team-invitation" (Summary "Delete a pending team invitation by ID." :> (CanThrow 'InsufficientTeamPermissions :> (ZUser :> ("teams" :> (Capture "tid" TeamId :> ("invitations" :> (Capture "iid" InvitationId :> MultiVerb1 'DELETE '[JSON] (RespondEmpty 200 "Invitation deleted")))))))) :<|> (Named "get-team-invitation-info" (Summary "Get invitation info given a code." :> (CanThrow 'InvalidInvitationCode :> ("teams" :> ("invitations" :> ("info" :> (QueryParam' '[Required, Strict, Description "Invitation code"] "code" InvitationCode :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (Respond 200 "Invitation info" Invitation))))))) :<|> (Named "head-team-invitations" (Summary "Check if there is an invitation pending given an email address." :> ("teams" :> ("invitations" :> ("by-email" :> (QueryParam' '[Required, Strict, Description "Email address"] "email" EmailAddress :> MultiVerb 'HEAD '[JSON] HeadInvitationsResponses HeadInvitationByEmailResult))))) :<|> (Named "get-team-size" (Summary "Get the number of team members as an integer" :> (Description "Can be out of sync by roughly the `refresh_interval` of the ES index." :> (CanThrow 'InvalidInvitationCode :> (ZUser :> ("teams" :> (Capture "tid" TeamId :> ("size" :> MultiVerb1 'GET '[JSON] (Respond 200 "Number of team members" TeamSize)))))))) :<|> Named "accept-team-invitation" (Summary "Accept a team invitation, changing a personal account into a team member account." :> (CanThrow 'PendingInvitationNotFound :> (CanThrow 'TooManyTeamMembers :> (CanThrow 'MissingIdentity :> (CanThrow 'InvalidActivationCodeWrongUser :> (CanThrow 'InvalidActivationCodeWrongCode :> (CanThrow 'BadCredentials :> (CanThrow 'MissingAuth :> (ZLocalUser :> ("teams" :> ("invitations" :> ("accept" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] AcceptTeamInvitation :> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Team invitation accepted."] ()))))))))))))))))))) Source #

type SystemSettingsAPI = Named "get-system-settings-unauthorized" (Summary "Returns a curated set of system configuration settings." :> (From 'V3 :> ("system" :> ("settings" :> ("unauthorized" :> Get '[JSON] SystemSettingsPublic))))) :<|> Named "get-system-settings" (Summary "Returns a curated set of system configuration settings for authorized users." :> (From 'V4 :> (ZUser :> ("system" :> ("settings" :> Get '[JSON] SystemSettings))))) Source #