saml2-web-sso-0.20: Library and example web app for the SAML Web-based SSO profile.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




genHttps' :: Maybe (Range Int) -> Gen URI Source #

arbitrary URIRef with restricted length.

uri-bytestring has Arbitrary instances, but they are likely to remain internal. also we're not sure what restrictions we'll need to impose on those in roder to get the URIs of the shape required here.

genNiceText :: Range Int -> Gen ST Source #

pick N words from a dictionary of popular estonian first names. this should yield enough entropy, but is much nicer to read.

(quickcheck has something like this as well.)

genTime :: Gen Time Source #

(we only allow full microseconds, since someone, somewhere does the rounding for us in the tests if we don't do it here, which makes the affected tests fail.)

genResponse :: forall payload. Gen payload -> Gen (Response payload) Source #

genSimpleSetCookie :: forall (name :: Symbol). KnownSymbol name => Gen (SimpleSetCookie name) Source #

shallowShrinkList :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]] Source #

seconds :: Lens' UTCTime Pico Source #

Lens into the second value of a Timeable.

Warning: this is not a proper lens for UTCTime: it only obeys the lens laws if used with valid values.

Orphan instances

Arbitrary SignedCertificate Source # 
Instance details

Arbitrary Config Source # 
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Arbitrary Assertion Source # 
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Arbitrary AuthnRequest Source # 
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Arbitrary Conditions Source # 
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Arbitrary Duration Source # 
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Arbitrary IdPId Source # 
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Arbitrary IdPMetadata Source # 
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Arbitrary Issuer Source # 
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Arbitrary Locality Source # 
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Arbitrary NameID Source # 
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Arbitrary SubjectConfirmationData Source # 
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Arbitrary SubjectConfirmationMethod Source # 
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Arbitrary Time Source # 
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Arbitrary UnqualifiedNameID Source # 
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Arbitrary UserRef Source # 
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Arbitrary URI Source # 
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Arbitrary Document Source # 
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Arbitrary Node Source # 
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Arbitrary Name Source # 
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Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (FormRedirect a) Source # 
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Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (IdPConfig a) Source # 
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Arbitrary payload => Arbitrary (Response payload) Source # 
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arbitrary :: Gen (Response payload) Source #

shrink :: Response payload -> [Response payload] Source #

Arbitrary (MultipartData Mem) Source # 
Instance details