galley-0.83.0: Conversations
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module is a work-around for the fact that we do not send notifications to all users of large teams any more. For greeting bots to hear from new users, the MemberJoin event is stored in a queue that every member of a team can pull, in a similar (but not identical) way as gundeck's /notifications end-point, galley has a teamsnotifications end-point where these events can be pulled.

This module is a clone of Gundeck.Notification.

This could have been added to gundeck, but we didn't. Some motivation: (1) It is a *team* event queue; teams live in galley, and only galley triggers the team events to be stored in the teams. (2) The team event queue differs from the other queues in that it is not a fallback for websockets / push notifications, but the only source of the events; so a big part of gundeck isn't really needed. (3) Fewer RPCs, less code.

FUTUREWORK: this is a work-around because it only solves *some* problems with team events. We should really use a scalable message queue instead.
