galley-0.83.0: Conversations
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




localMLSOne2OneConversation :: Local UserId -> Local ConvId -> Conversation Source #

Construct a local MLS 1-1 Conversation between a local user and another (possibly remote) user.

localMLSOne2OneConversationAsRemote :: Local ConvId -> RemoteConversationV2 Source #

Construct a RemoteConversation structure for a local MLS 1-1 conversation to be returned to a remote backend.

remoteMLSOne2OneConversation :: Local UserId -> Remote UserId -> RemoteMLSOne2OneConversation -> MLSOne2OneConversation MLSPublicKey Source #

Convert an MLS 1-1 conversation returned by a remote backend into a Conversation to be returned to the client.

createMLSOne2OneConversation :: Member ConversationStore r => Qualified UserId -> Qualified UserId -> Local MLSConversation -> Sem r Conversation Source #

Create a new record for an MLS 1-1 conversation in the database and add the two members to it.