{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Data.Time.Calendar.Month.Compat (
Month(..), addMonths, diffMonths,
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
pattern YearMonth,
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
pattern MonthDay,
) where
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,11,0)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.Month
fromYearMonth :: Year -> MonthOfYear -> Month
fromYearMonth :: Year -> MonthOfYear -> Month
fromYearMonth = Year -> MonthOfYear -> Month
toYearMonth :: Month -> (Year, MonthOfYear)
toYearMonth :: Month -> (Year, MonthOfYear)
toYearMonth (YearMonth Year
y MonthOfYear
m) = (Year
y, MonthOfYear
fromMonthDay :: Month -> DayOfMonth -> Day
fromMonthDay :: Month -> MonthOfYear -> Day
fromMonthDay = Month -> MonthOfYear -> Day
toMonthDay :: Day -> (Month,DayOfMonth)
toMonthDay :: Day -> (Month, MonthOfYear)
toMonthDay (MonthDay Month
m MonthOfYear
d) = (Month
m, MonthOfYear
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,9,0)
import Data.Time.Format.Internal
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.Julian
import Data.Time.Calendar.Types
import Data.Time.Calendar.Private
import Data.Data
import Data.Fixed
import Text.Read
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Data.Ix (Ix (..))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
newtype Month = MkMonth Integer deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
instance NFData Month where
rnf (MkMonth m) = rnf m
instance Hashable Month where
hashWithSalt salt (MkMonth x) = hashWithSalt salt x
instance Enum Month where
succ (MkMonth a) = MkMonth (succ a)
pred (MkMonth a) = MkMonth (pred a)
toEnum = MkMonth . toEnum
fromEnum (MkMonth a) = fromEnum a
enumFrom (MkMonth a) = fmap MkMonth (enumFrom a)
enumFromThen (MkMonth a) (MkMonth b) = fmap MkMonth (enumFromThen a b)
enumFromTo (MkMonth a) (MkMonth b) = fmap MkMonth (enumFromTo a b)
enumFromThenTo (MkMonth a) (MkMonth b) (MkMonth c) =
fmap MkMonth (enumFromThenTo a b c)
instance Ix Month where
range (MkMonth a, MkMonth b) = fmap MkMonth (range (a, b))
index (MkMonth a, MkMonth b) (MkMonth c) = index (a, b) c
inRange (MkMonth a, MkMonth b) (MkMonth c) = inRange (a, b) c
rangeSize (MkMonth a, MkMonth b) = rangeSize (a, b)
instance Show Month where
show ym = case toYearMonth ym of
(y, m) -> show4 y ++ "-" ++ show2 m
instance Read Month where
readPrec = do
y <- readPrec
_ <- lift $ char '-'
m <- readPrec
return $ fromYearMonth y m
toSomeDay :: Month -> Day
toSomeDay (MkMonth m) =
let (y,my) = divMod' m 12
in fromGregorian y (succ (fromInteger my)) 1
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,9,0)
#define FORMAT_OPTS fo
#elif MIN_VERSION_time(1,8,0)
#define FORMAT_OPTS tl mpo i
#define FORMAT_OPTS tl mpo
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,9,0)
#define FORMAT_ARG _arg
#define FORMAT_ARG
instance FormatTime Month where
formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'Y' = fmap (\f FORMAT_OPTS d -> f FORMAT_OPTS (toSomeDay d)) (formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'Y')
formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'y' = fmap (\f FORMAT_OPTS d -> f FORMAT_OPTS (toSomeDay d)) (formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'y')
formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'c' = fmap (\f FORMAT_OPTS d -> f FORMAT_OPTS (toSomeDay d)) (formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'c')
formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'B' = fmap (\f FORMAT_OPTS d -> f FORMAT_OPTS (toSomeDay d)) (formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'B')
formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'b' = fmap (\f FORMAT_OPTS d -> f FORMAT_OPTS (toSomeDay d)) (formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'b')
formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'h' = fmap (\f FORMAT_OPTS d -> f FORMAT_OPTS (toSomeDay d)) (formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'h')
formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'm' = fmap (\f FORMAT_OPTS d -> f FORMAT_OPTS (toSomeDay d)) (formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG 'm')
formatCharacter FORMAT_ARG _ = Nothing
addMonths :: Integer -> Month -> Month
addMonths n (MkMonth a) = MkMonth $ a + n
diffMonths :: Month -> Month -> Integer
diffMonths (MkMonth a) (MkMonth b) = a - b
fromYearMonthValid :: Year -> MonthOfYear -> Maybe Month
fromYearMonthValid y my = do
my' <- clipValid 1 12 my
return $ fromYearMonth y my'
fromYearMonth :: Year -> MonthOfYear -> Month
fromYearMonth y my = MkMonth $ (y * 12) + toInteger (pred $ clip 1 12 my)
toYearMonth :: Month -> (Year, MonthOfYear)
toYearMonth (MkMonth m) = case divMod' m 12 of
(y, my) -> (y, succ (fromInteger my))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
pattern YearMonth :: Year -> MonthOfYear -> Month
pattern YearMonth y my <- (toYearMonth -> (y, my))
where YearMonth y my = fromYearMonth y my
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
{-# COMPLETE YearMonth #-}
toMonthDay :: Day -> (Month,DayOfMonth)
toMonthDay d = case toGregorian d of
(y, my, dm) -> (fromYearMonth y my, dm)
fromMonthDay :: Month -> DayOfMonth -> Day
fromMonthDay m dm = case toYearMonth m of
(y, my) -> fromGregorian y my dm
fromMonthDayValid :: Month -> DayOfMonth -> Maybe Day
fromMonthDayValid m dm = case toYearMonth m of
(y, my) -> fromGregorianValid y my dm
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
pattern MonthDay :: Month -> DayOfMonth -> Day
pattern MonthDay m dm <- (toMonthDay -> (m,dm)) where
MonthDay (YearMonth y my) dm = fromGregorian y my dm
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
{-# COMPLETE MonthDay #-}