Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



type ResponsesForExistedCreated eDesc cDesc a = '[Respond 200 eDesc a, Respond 201 cDesc a] Source #

data UpdateResult a Source #


Updated !a 


Instances details
Functor UpdateResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Util


fmap :: (a -> b) -> UpdateResult a -> UpdateResult b #

(<$) :: a -> UpdateResult b -> UpdateResult a #

(ResponseType r1 ~ (), ResponseType r2 ~ a) => AsUnion '[r1, r2] (UpdateResult a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.Util

type UpdateResponses unchangedDesc updatedDesc a = '[RespondEmpty 204 unchangedDesc, Respond 200 updatedDesc a] Source #

type PaginationDocs = "The IDs returned by this endpoint are paginated. To get the first page, make a call with the `paging_state` field set to `null` (or omitted). Whenever the `has_more` field of the response is set to `true`, more results are available, and they can be obtained by calling the endpoint again, but this time passing the value of `paging_state` returned by the previous call. One can continue in this fashion until all results are returned, which is indicated by `has_more` being `false`. Note that `paging_state` should be considered an opaque token. It should not be inspected, or stored, or reused across multiple unrelated invocations of the endpoint." Source #