map package:lens -is:exact -is:exact -is:exact -is:exact

This Setter can be used to purely map over the Exceptions an arbitrary expression might throw; it is a variant of mapException in the same way that mapped is a variant of fmap.
'mapException' ≡ 'over' 'mappedException'
This view that every Haskell expression can be regarded as carrying a bag of Exceptions is detailed in “A Semantics for Imprecise Exceptions” by Peyton Jones & al. at PLDI ’99. The following maps failed assertions to arithmetic overflow:
>>> handling _Overflow (\_ -> return "caught") $ assert False (return "uncaught") & mappedException %~ \ (AssertionFailed _) -> Overflow
This is a type restricted version of mappedException, which avoids the type ambiguity in the input Exception when using set. The following maps any exception to arithmetic overflow:
>>> handling _Overflow (\_ -> return "caught") $ assert False (return "uncaught") & mappedException' .~ Overflow
This generalizes mapAccumL to an arbitrary Traversal.
mapAccumLmapAccumLOf traverse
mapAccumLOf accumulates State from left to right.
mapAccumLOf :: Iso s t a b       -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumLOf :: Lens s t a b      -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumLOf :: Traversal s t a b -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumLOf :: LensLike (State acc) s t a b -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumLOf l f acc0 s = swap (runState (l (a -> state (acc -> swap (f acc a))) s) acc0)
This generalizes mapAccumR to an arbitrary Traversal.
mapAccumRmapAccumROf traverse
mapAccumROf accumulates State from right to left.
mapAccumROf :: Iso s t a b       -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumROf :: Lens s t a b      -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumROf :: Traversal s t a b -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumROf :: LensLike (Backwards (State acc)) s t a b -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
We can use Equality to do substitution into anything.
Map each element of a structure targeted by a Lens to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results.
>>> mapMOf both (\x -> [x, x + 1]) (1,3)
mapMmapMOf traverse
imapMOf l ≡ forM l . Indexed
mapMOf :: Monad m => Iso s t a b       -> (a -> m b) -> s -> m t
mapMOf :: Monad m => Lens s t a b      -> (a -> m b) -> s -> m t
mapMOf :: Monad m => Traversal s t a b -> (a -> m b) -> s -> m t
Map each target of a Fold on a structure to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and ignore the results.
>>> mapMOf_ both putStrLn ("hello","world")
mapM_mapMOf_ folded
mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Getter s a     -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Fold s a       -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Lens' s a      -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Iso' s a       -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Traversal' s a -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Prism' s a     -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
Deprecated: Use over
This Setter can be used to map over all of the values in a Functor.
fmapover mapped
fmapDefaultover traverse
(<$) ≡ set mapped
>>> over mapped f [a,b,c]
[f a,f b,f c]
>>> over mapped (+1) [1,2,3]
>>> set mapped x [a,b,c]
>>> [[a,b],[c]] & mapped.mapped +~ x
[[a + x,b + x],[c + x]]
>>> over (mapped._2) length [("hello","world"),("leaders","!!!")]
mapped :: Functor f => Setter (f a) (f b) a b
If you want an IndexPreservingSetter use setting fmap.
This can be used to lift any Iso into an arbitrary Functor.
Create a FieldNamer from a mapping function. If the function returns [], it creates no lens for the field.
Map over both arguments at the same time.
bimap f g ≡ first f . second g


>>> bimap toUpper (+1) ('j', 3)
>>> bimap toUpper (+1) (Left 'j')
Left 'J'
>>> bimap toUpper (+1) (Right 3)
Right 4
Lift two Isos into both arguments of a Bifunctor.
bimapping :: Bifunctor p => Iso s t a b -> Iso s' t' a' b' -> Iso (p s s') (p t t') (p a a') (p b b')
bimapping :: Bifunctor p => Iso' s a -> Iso' s' a' -> Iso' (p s s') (p a a')
Map a function over all the targets of a Fold of a container and concatenate the resulting lists.
>>> concatMapOf both (\x -> [x, x + 1]) (1,3)
concatMapconcatMapOf folded
concatMapOf :: Getter s a     -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
concatMapOf :: Fold s a       -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
concatMapOf :: Lens' s a      -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
concatMapOf :: Iso' s a       -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
concatMapOf :: Traversal' s a -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
This Setter can be used to map over all of the inputs to a Contravariant.
contramapover contramapped
>>> getPredicate (over contramapped (*2) (Predicate even)) 5
>>> getOp (over contramapped (*5) (Op show)) 100
>>> ($ 1) $ over (mapped . _Unwrapping' Op . contramapped) (*12) [(*2),(+1),(^3)]
Lift an Iso into a Contravariant functor.
contramapping :: Contravariant f => Iso s t a b -> Iso (f a) (f b) (f s) (f t)
contramapping :: Contravariant f => Iso' s a -> Iso' (f a) (f s)
Map over both arguments at the same time.
dimap f g ≡ lmap f . rmap g
Lift two Isos into both arguments of a Profunctor simultaneously.
dimapping :: Profunctor p => Iso s t a b -> Iso s' t' a' b' -> Iso (p a s') (p b t') (p s a') (p t b')
dimapping :: Profunctor p => Iso' s a -> Iso' s' a' -> Iso' (p a s') (p s a')
Fold a value using its Foldable instance using explicitly provided Monoid operations. This is like foldMap where the Monoid instance can be manually specified.
foldMapBy mappend memptyfoldMap
>>> foldMapBy (+) 0 length ["hello","world"]
Fold a value using a specified Fold and Monoid operations. This is like foldMapBy where the Foldable instance can be manually specified.
foldMapByOf foldedfoldMapBy
foldMapByOf :: Getter s a     -> (r -> r -> r) -> r -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapByOf :: Fold s a       -> (r -> r -> r) -> r -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapByOf :: Traversal' s a -> (r -> r -> r) -> r -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapByOf :: Lens' s a      -> (r -> r -> r) -> r -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapByOf :: Iso' s a       -> (r -> r -> r) -> r -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
>>> foldMapByOf both (+) 0 length ("hello","world")
Map each part of a structure viewed through a Lens, Getter, Fold or Traversal to a monoid and combine the results.
>>> foldMapOf (folded . both . _Just) Sum [(Just 21, Just 21)]
Sum {getSum = 42}
foldMap = foldMapOf folded
ifoldMapOf l = foldMapOf l . Indexed
foldMapOf ::                Getter s a      -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapOf :: Monoid r    => Fold s a        -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapOf :: Semigroup r => Fold1 s a       -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapOf ::                Lens' s a       -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapOf ::                Iso' s a        -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapOf :: Monoid r    => Traversal' s a  -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapOf :: Semigroup r => Traversal1' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapOf :: Monoid r    => Prism' s a      -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldMapOf :: Getting r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
Concatenate the results of a function of the elements of an indexed container with access to the index. When you don't need access to the index then concatMap is more flexible in what it accepts.
concatMapiconcatMap . const
Concatenate the results of a function of the elements of an IndexedFold or IndexedTraversal with access to the index. When you don't need access to the index then concatMapOf is more flexible in what it accepts.
concatMapOf l ≡ iconcatMapOf l . const
iconcatMapOf :: IndexedGetter i s a     -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
iconcatMapOf :: IndexedFold i s a       -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
iconcatMapOf :: IndexedLens' i s a      -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
iconcatMapOf :: IndexedTraversal' i s a -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
Fold a container by mapping value to an arbitrary Monoid with access to the index i. When you don't need access to the index then foldMap is more flexible in what it accepts.
foldMapifoldMap . const