map is:exact -package:containers -package:foldl -package:base-prelude -package:ghc -package:basement -package:dlist -package:Cabal-syntax -package:dense-linear-algebra -package:pipes -package:bytestring -package:psqueues -package:text -package:aeson

map f xs is the list obtained by applying f to each element of xs, i.e.,
map f [x1, x2, ..., xn] == [f x1, f x2, ..., f xn]
map f [x1, x2, ...] == [f x1, f x2, ...]
>>> map (+1) [1, 2, 3]
Map a function over a NonEmpty stream.
Combinator for the <map> element. Example:
map $ span $ toHtml "foo"
Transform the original string-like value but keep it case insensitive.
Apply a transformation to all values in a stream. Subject to fusion
Apply a transformation to all values in a stream. Subject to fusion Since 0.3.0
O(n) map f xs is the ShortByteString obtained by applying f to each element of xs.
O(n) map f xs is the ShortByteString obtained by applying f to each element of xs.
Generates a map using a Range to determine the length. This may fail to generate anything if the keys produced by the generator do not account for a large enough number of unique items to satify the required map size.
Apply a bijection over a list using map.
O(n) Transform this map by applying a function to every value.
O(n) map f xs is the OsString obtained by applying f to each element of xs.
O(n) map f xs is the OsString obtained by applying f to each element of xs.
O(n) map f xs is the OsString obtained by applying f to each element of xs.
Transform this map by applying a function to every value.
Transform this set by applying a function to every value. The resulting set may be smaller than the source.
>>> show (HashSet.fromList [1,2,3])
HashSet.fromList ["1","2","3"]