map -package:containers -package:dlist -package:conduit -package:basement -package:dense-linear-algebra -package:bytestring -package:os-string -package:monoidal-containers -package:hedgehog -package:integration -package:unordered-containers -package:vector -package:psqueues -package:Cabal-syntax -package:charset -package:insert-ordered-containers -package:vector-stream -package:base -package:first-class-families -package:bloodhound package:stm-containers

Hash-table, based on STM-specialized Hash Array Mapped Trie.
Bidirectional map. Essentially, a bijection between subsets of its two argument types. For one value of the left-hand type this map contains one value of the right-hand type and vice versa.
A multimap, based on an STM-specialized hash array mapped trie. Basically it's just a wrapper API around Map key (Set value).