map -package:blaze-html -package:amazonka-core -package:containers -package:basement -package:foldl -package:os-string -package:bytestring -package:aeson -package:incipit-base -package:conduit -package:insert-ordered-containers -package:hedgehog -package:text -package:invertible -package:vector -package:integration -package:pipes -package:filepath is:module -package:amazonka-sns -package:profunctors -package:regex-tdfa

This module defines mapping, which turns an Optic' k NoIx s a into an Optic' (MappedOptic k) NoIx (f s) (f a), in other words optic operating on values in a Functor.
The assignment of virtual registers to stack slots
RoughMap is an approximate finite map data structure keyed on [RoughMatchTc]. This is useful when keying maps on lists of Types (e.g. an instance head).
Note that the memory mapping is handled by the system, not at the haskell level. The system can modify the content of the memory as any moment under your feet. It also have the limitation of your system, no emulation or nice handling of all those corners cases is attempted here. for example mapping a large file (> 4G), on a 32 bits system is likely to just fail or returns inconsistent result. In doubt, use readFile or other simple routine that brings the content of the file in IO.
Semaphore effect, Internal.
Semaphore interpreters, Internal.
A quantity semaphore effect.