map -package:blaze-html -package:amazonka-core -package:containers -package:basement -package:foldl -package:os-string -package:bytestring -package:aeson -package:incipit-base -package:conduit -package:insert-ordered-containers -package:hedgehog -package:text -package:invertible -package:vector -package:integration -package:pipes -package:filepath is:module -package:amazonka-sns -package:profunctors -package:galley -package:foundation

This module defines mapping, which turns an Optic' k NoIx s a into an Optic' (MappedOptic k) NoIx (f s) (f a), in other words optic operating on values in a Functor.
The assignment of virtual registers to stack slots
RoughMap is an approximate finite map data structure keyed on [RoughMatchTc]. This is useful when keying maps on lists of Types (e.g. an instance head).
Semaphore effect, Internal.
Semaphore interpreters, Internal.
A quantity semaphore effect.
An OMap behaves much like a Map, with all the same asymptotics, but also remembers the order that keys were inserted. This module offers a simplified version of the Data.Map.Ordered API that assumes left-biased indices everywhere and uses a different Semigroup instance (the one in this module uses (<>) = union) and Monoid instance (the one in this module uses mappend = union).