map -package:Cabal-syntax -package:basement -package:conduit -package:foldl -package:psqueues -package:base -package:invertible -package:containers -package:charset -package:bytestring package:text

O(n) map f t is the Text obtained by applying f to each element of t. Example:
>>> let message = pack "I am not angry. Not at all."

>>> (\c -> if c == '.' then '!' else c) message
"I am not angry! Not at all!"
Performs replacement on invalid scalar values.
O(n) map f xs is the Stream Char obtained by applying f to each element of xs. Properties
unstream . map f . stream = map f
O(n) map f t is the Text obtained by applying f to each element of t. Performs replacement on invalid scalar values.
O(n) Like a combination of map and foldl'. Applies a function to each element of a Text, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returns a final Text. Performs replacement on invalid scalar values.
The mapAccumR function behaves like a combination of map and a strict foldr; it applies a function to each element of a Text, passing an accumulating parameter from right to left, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new Text. Performs replacement on invalid scalar values.
O(n) Like a combination of map and foldl'. Applies a function to each element of a Text, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returns a final Text. Properties
mapAccumL g z0 . stream = mapAccumL g z0
O(n) Like a combination of map and foldl'. Applies a function to each element of a Text, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returns a final Text. Performs replacement on invalid scalar values.
The mapAccumR function behaves like a combination of map and a strict foldr; it applies a function to each element of a Text, passing an accumulating parameter from right to left, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new Text. Performs replacement on invalid scalar values.
O(n) Map a function over a Text that results in a Text, and concatenate the results.
Map a function over a stream that results in a stream and concatenate the results. Properties
unstream . concatMap (stream . f) . stream = concatMap f