map -is:exact -package:basement -package:base -package:incipit-base -package:integration -package:containers -package:Cabal-syntax -package:monoidal-containers package:conduit

Apply a transformation to all values in a stream. Subject to fusion
Apply a transformation to all values in a stream. Subject to fusion Since 0.3.0
Consume a source with a strict accumulator, in a way piecewise defined by a controlling stream. The latter will be evaluated until it terminates.
>>> let f a s = liftM (:s) $ mapC (*a) =$ CL.take a

>>> reverse $ runIdentity $ yieldMany [0..3] $$ mapAccumS f [] (yieldMany [1..])
[[],[1],[4,6],[12,15,18]] :: [[Int]]
mapWhileC with a break condition dependent on a strict accumulator. Equivalently, mapAccum as long as the result is Right. Instead of producing a leftover, the breaking input determines the resulting accumulator via Left.
Monadic mapAccumWhileC.
Apply a transformation to all values in a stream.
Apply a transformation to all elements in a chunked stream.
Apply a monadic transformation to all values in a stream. If you do not need the transformed values, and instead just want the monadic side-effects of running the action, see mapM_.
Apply a monadic transformation to all elements in a chunked stream.
Apply the action to all values in the stream. Note: if you want to pass the values instead of consuming them, use iterM instead.
Apply the action to all elements in the chunked stream. Note: the same caveat as with mapM_C applies. If you don't want to consume the values, you can use iterM:
iterM (omapM_ f)
Map values as long as the result is Just.
Apply a function to all the input values of a ConduitT. Since 0.5.0
Apply a monadic action to all the input values of a ConduitT. Since 1.3.2
Apply a function to all the output values of a ConduitT. This mimics the behavior of fmap for a Source and Conduit in pre-0.4 days. It can also be simulated by fusing with the map conduit from Data.Conduit.List. Since 0.4.1
Same as mapOutput, but use a function that returns Maybe values. Since 0.5.0
mapWhile with a break condition dependent on a strict accumulator. Equivalently, mapAccum as long as the result is Right. Instead of producing a leftover, the breaking input determines the resulting accumulator via Left. Subject to fusion
Monadic mapAccumWhile. Subject to fusion
Apply a transformation to all elements in a chunked stream. Subject to fusion
Apply a monadic transformation to all values in a stream. If you do not need the transformed values, and instead just want the monadic side-effects of running the action, see mapM_. Subject to fusion
Apply a monadic transformation to all elements in a chunked stream. Subject to fusion
Apply the action to all values in the stream. Note: if you want to pass the values instead of consuming them, use iterM instead. Subject to fusion
Apply the action to all elements in the chunked stream. Note: the same caveat as with mapM_ applies. If you don't want to consume the values, you can use iterM:
iterM (omapM_ f)
Subject to fusion
Map values as long as the result is Just.