:: Ord a => [a] -> [a] is:exact -package:extra -package:safe -package:Cabal -package:witherable -package:ghc -package:base-prelude -package:hedgehog -package:statistics -package:Cabal-syntax -package:mono-traversable -package:imports -package:incipit-base -package:base -package:generic-deriving -package:integration -package:amazonka-core -package:containers

tailSafe [] = []
tailSafe [1,3,4] = [3,4]
The nub function which removes duplicate elements from a vector.
A minimum that fails using mzero
A maximum that fails using mzero
Generalized version of runInBoundThread.
Generalized version of runInUnboundThread.
Generalized version of mask_.
Generalized version of uninterruptibleMask_.
all nodes of a tree
O(n) Convert a vector to a list.
Take a parser that may consume input, and on failure, go back to where we started and fail as if we didn't consume input.